strenx vs cooller is so hard to predict. cooller can certainly take it if he plays well and gets a bit more comfortable with the setup but strenx looks really strong and solid. hoping for a 3:2 from cooller but something like 3:1 for strenx is mroe likely tbh
av3k vs cypher is always close but i think cypher is just one bit better so i expect him to win, but it wont be easy. 3:2 for cypher is my guess
cooller needs more time with the abyssus, he's far from his best shape atm. strenx's also getting better event by event, if he keeps it up he'll make it to top3-4-5-whatever imo. I'd say 3:1 to strenx
i think cypher will take it because he's cypher, but if anyone beats him now, it'll be avek. if he doesn't, cypher's going to win the tournament easily.