Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Many of the people who play World of Dorkcraft, are the truest of dipshits. I know their type, they come packaged at your local grocery. They're the type of people who, even when you're trying to help them, because they're so internally pathetic (insecure, one might say), interpret your attempts to help them as some kind of attack. They will often attack you in return, even though you were just trying to help.

There are many people who are filled with suppositions, and those suppositions are completely and utterly false. Those people though, are convinced of the truthfulness of their own perceptions. Yeah, it's pretty shit, when you try to help people and they in return attack you. You might think they're completely insane, and you wouldn't be far off. What propels them to attack you, when you only mean to help them? It's not a matter of being feral, obviously, or they wouldn't be playing World of Dorkcraft. What could it possibly be then?

It makes for an interesting psychological study. Maybe one of you characters can determine the exact mental phenomenon causing the mental deficiency found in so many people... at least, I would consider it a mental deficiency to attack those who only want to help you.