Guess ill just continue his work in a similar fashion, but I probably wont check the thread unless you IM me.
So leave your QLname here and poke me, then you will be added. If you leave no QLname and it does not match your esreality name you will naturally not get the invite.
last invite send: 08-10-2015
invited: faden, mash, six16, dansen, deotrip, tzz, Nukm, unHuman, ruuven, Zer1ton, sunny25, tochter, hell5pawn, d1z, vernschillinger, Attyla7, zeroslaw, karizma, teknoir, king_, KillShott, Mav_, tB0nE, h8m3, mefajpE, dunZ, Tronic, son1dow, InDepther, glad1us, Allancer, MaGGoTkil, not_becks, Anhedonic, Arp_, 7herm, Dix, _msk, grimbob, owzo, Susta1nz, cooller, justanothernewb, donkz, TurboLaffe, ultimajji, kaleena, stunt, juno, erok, djzulu, ih, sh4rpe, ger1_, holden, Tropken, Insan3, s1ash, ZETTENNKAA, asdu, Something, He4rTL3sS, kanzo, Grumx, hejduk, beast, kK_Storm, Isalie, RoyV, righteouz, illogic, wzt, TIE, ani, SunTzu, 9237112, amOKchen, bZAND, erk, Ver1tas, outlaw, adrenal1ne, zuphrin, m1ggan, bst, vibeus, hauer, groparoo, DoGjA, steffo, qwih, Shahe, sentinel, Castelyn, super_koziol, megaman3, x1n, CrazyAl90, T1E, Storm, iavoal, schizm, 24, ceellan, skulp, ipx, xll38, Vryx, mar, Frysherrr, Vig1lante,
torzelan, Crashhhh, povohat, sentinel, nix0n, filo, advie, ti5gr, ROYV, sieger, pacmanpl, _gory, gl00my, Tebeg, iD_eNTITY, Mariano, Gajus071, CMSS, Latvietis, trolles, xerosawyer, crd, kava, linkyyy, b0se, Melted, SwarmDMX , strenx, shaka, p0pe, ihve, h4t3, sticky
Didn't work/to many clans: tyryl, nicknaper, Vdo, yay0, Lup1n
Unknown Player: sh4rpe
Edited by amOKchen at 10:12 CDT, 8 October 2015 - 94289 Hits