Anyway, he's trying to connect to my server (long story short, he couldn't go through the link due to QL bugs etc etc) so I tell him to connect through the server browser.
At which point the conversation goes
Mate - hey, isn't Fatal1ty like a top pro or something?
Me - yeah used to be, why?
Mate - he's got a server running now. Is that him?
Me - ... wait, what?
Anyway yeah, apparently he's playing duel. Anyone know that Juggernaut guy? :|
edit: oh and shit the bed, JAMERIO BEAT FATAL1TY
Oh yeah, and while I'm here. Jamalz, you better spill the fuckin' beans on who CZM is alias'ing as :D
Edited by ZeritoN at 16:43 CST, 30 January 2011 - 12254 Hits