EA seem to be doing tons of in browser games. iirc there was like a FIFA online. Then there's Battlefield Heroes which I played a little bit with mates for laughs (haven't played in a long time though) and I'm sure there's a fair few more.
The main thing being that the games were free but they made money from the added shit like skins and stuff
Therefore, I think ID should revert back to a fully free version of QuakeLive, but for a small fee, you can have models such as Sarge with a cigar, or Mynx with a 10" black dildo.
the game itself is crap no doubt. But EA understands server needs a lot better. You can pick from a selection of server hosts for every location, meaning I can pick the one that gives me a playable route to central NA servers. In QL you're just stuck with the one welfare host they got and you're shit out of luck if you live a bit out of the way. I wish they would take a page from EA's book and get multiple server host options!
i played in alot of top bf2 teams aswell played for like 4-5 years and basically its just bf2 with ALOT more bugs and some shit BC2 weapons lol....
worst thing iv seen so far was the tracer gun they added, basically a wall hack if you stick a tracer on somebody, if you need a beta key i might be able to sort you out with mine im never gonna play it again
iv still got it just didnt wanna give it this cunt, na jokes astz asked me for it but iv not seen him for a while.. msg me when ur online and ill try sort it
played this for about a dozen hours.
it plays slower than bfbc2 (clunky, restricted version of bc2 movement), weapons take longer to switch
it's like going from WoW to playing one of those terrible free2play MMOs
the last time i played it was in December though so I don't know how much they've changed the game since then.