Update: The cup is CANCELED as Quakelive is still down.
Stream: BeardTV,

Links: Tournament page, Brackets (Mirror),

Edited by xou at 08:51 CST, 6 February 2011 - 49449 Hits
how about you explain why you think he's notnever said that i think it is not his fault, my point was thats it is stupid to (always) blame sync when anything ql related fucks up and you know nothing about what happened.
That's a bit stupid to assume he's not related/faulty/anything when you don't know anything as well."never said that i think it is not his fault," and "i wouldnt wanna judge without any further information"
# QUAKE LIVE is back online with QLPP6 - http://bit.ly/hh6YC1 5:09 PM Feb 2nd via web
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