Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
What if we had a game, where the entire point was to make money? I don't mean, the point of the game is to make money, I mean the point in the game is to make money. Not in a boring way though, like a slave in the fields, but in a fun way. Not in a Mario way either, where you jump around and collect floating coins, but in a realistic way. Money = points; the more money you make, the more points you get.

A making-money game could be great, if done right, because it could teach people how to make money in real life. It could also teach people how to enjoy making money, and how to make real money in a way they enjoy. No one wants to work away their lives like a slave, just for minimum wage trash. But if the money is worthwhile, and the work is decent, people are perfectly willing to put in the time.

Besides, what is a great game, if not a metaphor for real-life? If not something that mirrors reality? While it is certainly true, all the greatest things ever made have come from those who had no money (Einstein, Galileo, Van Gogh... no money among them), it is also true, most people spend their lives fighting over money. Like squirrels over sunflower seeds, accruing money is what consumes their lives. Wouldn't a game, reflecting the game most people play for money, be an excellent practice?