Event: NC XIV

Are there any maps in the 7 map pool that you think probably shouldn’t be there?Source: Interviews
PAINEE (Germany): I still think siberia shouldnt be in the pool. its way to defensive and tdm related but some ppl still seem to like it. i rather see finnegans added instead of siberia. but im totally fine with the rest of the mappool.
Edited by PerpetualWar at 05:49 CST, 27 February 2011 - 17152 Hits
Siberia ftw! How can you guys speak of bunkering but not mention shining forces?! This is the biggest tdm map i've sen lately, maybe should get added to the tdm nc pool ;(
And please dont bring up arguments like "but it worked out in q3". Q3 != ql
And no, dont bring all those all q3 maps into the mappool. Lets rather wait for new ones, instead of giving the old q3 clans an advantage because they played that map years over years.
thanks kk bye