Event: EMS8
Scheduled: 13:00 CST, 20 February 2011 to 16:30 CST, 20 February 2011Schedule: Passed
This Sunday evening will see the first Qualifier for the EMS VIII Quakelive TDM 2v2 starting at 13:00 CST. The cup will be played on a Single Elimination brackets, with bo1 matches. The top4 teams will qualify for this new EMS season!
The check-in will be running from 12:40 CST to 12:55 CST, then there will be 5 more minutes for late teams to sign up. The maps for the competition are Almost Lost (t6), Blood Run (ztn), Campgrounds (dm6), Devilish and Hidden Fortress (dm20).
Streams: icebox, GG
Link: Sign-up, Brackets, Rules - #esl.quakelive
Edited by Nukm at 14:13 CST, 20 February 2011 - 5261 Hits