Gametype: TDM 2v2
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: toxic
How to play back QL demos
Some practise-stuff from the toxinator. I thought for all the ones who didnt see it, it's nice to see some toxplay again. and you can clearly see how he advances with every game, too bad he wont participate in the next ESL EMS season with TDM 2on2.
Maps: 2 x ztn - 2 x dm6
toxic + phantom -vs- juven1le + kaide
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: toxic
How to play back QL demos
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Some practise-stuff from the toxinator. I thought for all the ones who didnt see it, it's nice to see some toxplay again. and you can clearly see how he advances with every game, too bad he wont participate in the next ESL EMS season with TDM 2on2.
Maps: 2 x ztn - 2 x dm6
toxic + phantom -vs- juven1le + kaide
Edited by n1ghty at 04:55 CST, 20 February 2011 - 35842 Hits