maybe this is not the right place to ask, or maybe it's exactly the right place, anyway, my geforce 7600GT finally said goodbye, and left the building all scrambled with weird marker lines and paint splatter on the walls, naughty naughty boy!
so now I'm in a bit of a pickle, as I'm not just able to go buy a new geforce and nvidia card of my desire, since CRT users have been left in the dust.
first problem.
I still use legacy resolutions for DOOM, duke3d and the like(640x400) and newer nvidia drivers doesn't seem to like those very much, and if you try to add 'em, they still act up with long black screens on intros and whatnot. *sadface*
second problem, refresh rate forcing/fixing.
FPS for me needs 100+ hz. I'm mostly running 800x600 as my monitor gets 120hz and i don't mind the low resolution as long as i can get some anti-aliasing working right(ati seems to screw that for me with some edge detect that's only half decent at detecting those edges anyway, and for me seems like a hack job)
third problem.
400w power supply, although a decent corsair one, but nothing spectacular.
also i would like a low power card, since my pc just as often sits acting like a server. I believe my 7600GT was 40w on full load.
and to wrap it up, refreshforce works great for non older nvidia drivers with the option, but some games really don't like it and acts all weird.
I've been thinking of the 9500GT as i should be about the same performance, but was wondering about legacy resolutions and those new drivers.
right now i've got a 8400gs just to be able to display something on the screen, but it seems do something really odd when booting, the screen updates REALLY slow in those legacy resolutions like updating at 2fps when a new line is scrolling the screen.(CLI)
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