On Sunday, March 27th, find out what teams and players are invited to the EuroCup XXIII Season LIVE on ClanBase Radio. Traditionally, the announcements happen exclusively on radio, so be sure to have your media players prepared.Your hosts for the night will be ClanBase Radio's very own DJ Neur0 and DJ Apoc. Apart from the announcements, the show will also feature interviews with people from the gaming scene - including the Managing Director of ClanBase - MadUSA
If you want a piece of the action and don't want to miss out which teams and players can consider themselves as the giants of the gaming scene, then tune in on Sunday, March 27th at 14:00 CST on ClanBase Radio.
Source: ClanBase
Edited by Decl at 11:14 CDT, 25 March 2011 - 8489 Hits