I ended up buying a Kinzu on ebay recently because
1. It was cheap. Something like £15 inc. P&P and I felt like trying it out
2. My Xai broke (long story short, it's was a weird driver issue where lots of shit would go wrong. It's my favorite mouse though so I sent it to Steelseries and they're sending me a new one soon. The last one lasted ages anyway)
First things first, it arrived this morning. It was an older version with a black scroll wheel and rubber cord. Don't think that's much of a difference between the normal one so whatever. For the price, can't complain.
The one thing I will say (and the most obvious thing) is the sensor... Seriously. I hear people complaining about acceleration with the Xai (which I don't really notice unless I look for it - Infact, I like the way it behaves) so I was slightly expecting the same thing with the Kinzu, but I was pretty wrong. I use 36cm for a 360 turn so I guess it's reasonably low sense and doing fast 180s with the Kinzu is a bit... derp. It feels like I'm playing with cl_mouseaccel 0.1 or something constantly. It is fairly severe. Nevertheless, it's easy to get used to in a way. Still just a bit annoying
I didn't notice the angle snapping at first (doesn't bother me at all much) but when someone reminded me in another thread, I opened up paint and found... yep, it's pretty shit. Infact, I find myself noticing the angle snapping when I'm just moving the mouse diagonally and find almost like a slight strain wher it goes horrizontally.
However, the most important thing in my opinion about a mouse is comfort. That's really the deciding factor for anything. I got pretty large hands and palm grip and the Xai was perfect for this. I find myself having to claw the Kinzu due to my ring finger just being a hella lot longer then the mouse. Saying that, it is really comfortable. Just like a smaller Xai/WMO. Glides are shit. Not amazing, not incredibly bad. They're useable but I will replace them. In the meantime I'm just using some kind of lube (lol'd) which you use for guitars to slide easier. Works pretty well. I think Steelseries make one themselves called "dot"
Anyway, I think what I'll do is frankenmouse it up. Put a WMO or if I can't really find one, maybe a 3.0 sensor in the mouse. The shape, feel, buttons/scroll wheel etc are pretty much fine. It's the sensor I have a problem with. Stick a decent sensor in it and I'd be great.
Anyway, for modding, any tips on sites or other people's frankenmouses or how to replace the sensor? Also thinking of stripping the cord and using electrical tape or something. Any tips?
Edited by ZeritoN at 15:14 CDT, 29 October 2010 - 41801 Hits