i noticed a huge detriment in my lg and rail accs over the past week... did some /devmap studies and found that my sens is really inconsistent on most maps (oddly, it seems all the "tourney maps" ie: t4/t6/t7 seem to make it really jumpy.) and simply unplayable.
i remember reading somewhere about uninstall/new account but i'd like some specific directions because this is extremely irritating.
wmo/500hz/windows7x64/icemat/markc mousefix/in_mouse 2/ no accel ingame
After some trial and error, I think I got at least a temporary fix.
I cleared my config (after backing it up) by using the reset to defaults in the website interface. From there, I deleted the qz and rep configs out of the baseql folder. Then, I uninstalled the quake live plugin from firefox. Downloaded prism, and set up prism to make the ql site an application. I proceeded to download and reinstall the plugin from prism, and then loaded up my backed up config from practice mode.
I set the sens at 10, no accel (almost exactly 12 cm/360) and devmapped a ton of maps. I moved the mouse far enough for a 360 and it was consistent every time for me. I did the same in a few abandoned servers (multiple gametypes) and not once did my sens "slip" on me.
After setting back to my sens, it continued to not slip during testing. (didnt go whole 360 tho, just was checking for the usual wavering sens issues) So, I think I've got my issue solved for the time being.
If this doesn't work for you, try the suggestion jamalz posted in another thread (and I reposted below here.).
Hopefully I don't have to revive this thread later on due to more issues... But for now, I can play quake live and be able to only blame myself again for missing shots (yay).
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Edited by rushhh at 22:19 CDT, 31 March 2011 - 26892 Hits