So I was wandering through old cfgs, after I saw ischju's thread about his shaft cross, and found a thin shaft script for OSP, configured it for my needs.... but I've also read that due to teh broken +zoom Quake 3 has, it fucks up sens having zoom all the time, but also I've read that there was a way to calculate the proper sens for thin shaft zoom using some kind of program called thinsens, but it's nowhere to be found, at least google doesn't help me much. I've found this, maybe that's it:
But this only counts to cg_fov 140 (my thinshaft fov is cg_fov 300) and there is no accel involved in the maths.

I use sens 5 with 0.5 accel normally, (WMO 1.1a @ 500 hz + QcK) res 1366x768, two different fovs for diff weapons cg_fov 130 cg_fov 120. Thinshaft zoomfov is 200. Any idea what would my sens and accel would look like with these values?

( Edit: I found some math stuff by czm but I'm retarded in maths :(

"czm: arctan( tan(zoomfov * PI/360) * height/width ) * (360/PI) / 75

...where height/width is 3/4 if you use a normal resolution.
So, for instance, if you use sensitivty 10 and cl_mouseaccel 1 at cg_zoomfov 110 with +zoom on and want the same feel without +zoom, you'd use sensitivity 12.5244 and cl_mouseaccel 1.25244. You can use quake to do the above calculation for you - just type sensitivity 1, cl_mouseaccel 0, cl_showmouserate 1, cg_zoomfov whatever, and +zoom, then move your mouse around...the second number is coefficient you're after.

1.52789&*@(_3&o.@(0.75&*@(3:o.]*0.00872665"_)))" )

For those wondering, me and my homies play on LAN with OSP, my cg_fov is 130 (some weapons 120) because of my res, my res is high because I'm using a 16:9 laptop.

Edit: Solved