Science can't even cure the common cold, LMAO if I'm ever going to believe any of their doomsday prediction shit.
Besides living on a tiny island that makes up less than .1% of the worlds surface is kinda reassuring and if that's not enough to escape the tidal waves the helicopter or jet pack I'll own by 40 will!
Science doesn't evolve in the same pace in all it's divisions. Not having a cure for common cold does not mean we can't advance our knowledge in other completely unrelated areas.
The guy that said it is the Director of Heliophysics at Nasa so him and his SCIENTISTS are probably some of the smartest people in the world. Its not a couple of nutty new age christians.
They would have also used science to reach such conclusions, so its scientific to me and by definition, whether its proved or not, its existence is based on what these people know about their field which is all based around science.
Scientic "facts" are nothing more than perceived truths. A few decades ago these guys looked awfully stupid when they split the atom and had to admit they wrong about that being the smallest thing known to man.
So the gap between fact and perception when it comes to science is always sketchy.
I think they are wrong, but I have no real idea and neither do you.
This isn't new information. Also Kaku has a history of talking out of his ass. If you want to be informed about the Mayans/2012/Solar activity, then thoroughly read this NASA article.
well, the thing is, they are trying to warn us, about what a massive solar storm would do, not that will happen in 2012 for sure, but anyway better be ready.