and I'm posting it in the "ESReality Site" category because it has some tangential relation to the "ESReality Site." this post took no effort on my part whatsoever, because I am merely echoing something that has found its way into my life through no action of my own.

I just wanted everyone to know that I've received an iMsg from a very special person on this very website, and I'm sure that I must be particularly unique in this regard, probably as a result of my undeniably charming personality.

an imaginably lovely, clearly very young and fertile female named lizzy had this to say to me:

iMessage sent @ 07:15 CDT 12 May 2011 - lizzy01 is offline
(Reply, Quote)
From Unset lizzy01
Greeting my love one my name is Lizzy
i saw your profile on this site so i pick interest in you my dear please i will like if you write me back now with this to know you more then i tell you more about me also give you my picture thanks for your acceptance below here
is my e-mail ( )


as you understand, this is a particularly intriguing event, and was met with much joy by yours truly, for I am perpetually lonely and socially stunted. I am so happy that I've found my lizzy, and now I can be content in my life. I thank God for his wisdom and guidance. my faith never wavered, though many times have I been tempted by Satan's wicked ways. I have been rewarded thusly, and so will those of you who choose the path of Jesus Christ. let Him guide you in all your endeavours. may you all have a Blessed Day. ~~~~~~xoxo