The 3DS Failure
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Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Yes, we all played regular games at some point, but then, after they became so repetitive and 'lonely', we moved on to something better. Pro-gaming is the only kind of gaming that is truly distinctive. Regular games are the same old games, with better graphics and maybe a few changes like going from a side-screen platformer to a Mario-64 type platformer. It's still the same old thing though. It's nothing like being part of an ongoing community, where there is a regular playerbase you can get to know, and a competitive model where you can continue improving and continue to achieve higher goals. Once you beat those old games, there's nothing more for you but to beat new games. And each new game is really not much different from the previous game. Slightly different puzzles, and slightly different enemies... all of which are nothing but computer-AI almost identical to the AI found in previous games. To play against real people, in ever-changing and growing challenges, presents an entirely different type of gaming.
What does this mean for us? First of all, it means we're ahead of everyone else. Secondly, it means when the world of bored gamers finally discover pro-gaming, they'll be very tempted to learn how to use a mouse and keyboard for gaming, and they'll start pouring into pro-gaming communities.
The fact is, the 3DS is an excellent system. Aside from the lack of web-video, which does devalue the system as a whole, for purely gaming purposes, there's nothing wrong with it. The only people who would find something wrong with something there's nothing wrong with, are people so tired of what's regular, that to achieve satisfaction, they need something truly different.
Some of us got bored with regular gaming ages ago. I haven't purchased a console since the N64. I only have a 3DS because it's portable, and because I was interested in seeing how 3D functions in gaming (and without glasses). Having shit internet was also a factor, but mostly it was the other two. Naturally, it would only be a matter of time before other people also get bored with regular gaming. There are few things more rewarding than getting great at something. With regular gaming, there is no real 'getting great', there is just beating the fairly meager - and often annoying - tasks the game presents. When the tasks are always changing - because the players are always changing - the game offers an endless series of challenges and opportunities to reach new levels.
Why do people continue playing consoles, when PC's offer a unified platform (one vastly superior to each and every console)? Because they like sitting on their couches, playing against their friends sitting on the same couches, with their little console joystick. It's casual, semi-social, and it doesn't seem to them quite as 'nerdy'. For those of us who don't care about appearances or superficial labels, console-gaming is mostly a shallow and dull enterprise. The games must be designed to either correspond to the type of console controller, or they must use computer-assistance to compensate for the lack of adequate controls. The level of precision and depth capable with a mouse and keyboard will always be superior to a console controller. I'm perfectly aware of that, because i've used both types of controls for over 25 years now. In any competitive setting, one would have to be a fool to prefer the dull console controller over the sharpness of a mouse and keyboard. And in any professional setting, well... you simply cannot have dull controls to qualify as professional. Only through the most precise of controls can any real professionalism come out of gaming, or anything else.
The time for pro-gaming has never been nearer. Even though so far, we haven't had a great deal to show for our commitment and our work, it won't be long now before it will all pay off. As an investor, pro-gaming would be considered a long-term investment, but for people who simply love gaming and pro-gaming, it's just something we will do no matter what. So I say welcome, to the graduating class of regular gamers. It really doesn't take that long to learn how to use a mouse and keyboard for gaming. I know it's difficult at first, and you'd prefer using the console controller... but give it two weeks and you'll never look back.
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