[QUOTE=avinin1;13811875]Hello Guys, I just got both the Spawn and the KinzuAdder(Kinzu Boddy with DeathAdder 1800cpi's sensor) playing with them for hours and I want to share my opinion about each of my mice include them.
First of all, I want to personally sorry about my english, and hope you can understand me, I will try my best.
Second, In this review I will Categorize every term in evey mouse I have that said in the topic, according to this:
[*]Lift Of Distance (LoD)
[*]Shape and ergonomic
[*]Build quality (switch, feel, force, Cable and Feets)
I want to say before start to talk about each mouse's sensor that my maximum speed when moving the mouse fast is 1.67-190m/s and As far as I remember I can also reach 2.0m/s but rare (my settings are 400cpi and 1.2-1.8 sensitivity).
CM Spawn - I unable to reach the get any negative accelration and also cannot make the mouse skip or make it stop tracking, I've to say that this sensor felt the most precise and accurate for me ingame and the tracking was better than all mice I have/had.
1000HZ option is stable.
Xai - That mouse always cofuse me when I was playing with it, on the QcK and the 9HD..it was very very precise, but sometime it was awful and no precise at all, I have to say that I noticed in the past alittle really negative accelration on cloth but since in the past I was more higher sensitivty player (1800cpi, sens 1) so I was not move my mouse really quick, so the negative accel was not boths me much, after I moved to the 9HD I was never getting any negative accel, but I was notice that something other is mass my movement, after cleaning, and contact Steelseries Support and local store - nothing helps me get a solution about it, and after read in this forum, I know'd that the problem was the Positive accelration..
I have to say that the Xai tracking on hard surface was really great.
Also says that when I tested the Xai with more than 3k CPI, I was noticed alittle jittering.
Also, the 1000Hz option is stable.
Microsoft IME3.0 - I was playing with it untill yesterday, I was really like the sensor untill, but in the first day when I've used it I've comed in conclusion that I'm reach the meximum sensor speed of the mouse and enable to make it miss pixels and get alot of negative accelration and unwanted tracking really fast, but since that time I was forced myself to up my sensitivity to not do such a quick moves with my mouse - kinda sad. :D
Have to say that the IME3.0 sensor not have any extra prediction/angle snapping/correction and never jittered or does unwanted tracking and such.
When Bump to 500Hz, its stable, but not as mice that as this stock, no diffrents ingame, but in rate-checkers.
DeathAdder Respawn [3500] - Great sensor, unable to make it skip pixel or stop tracking and dont get negative or positive accelration, not jettring and it have normal prediction/angle snapping/correction.
Stable 1000Hz option.
KinzuAdder - Exact info as DeathAdder respawn, but I rarely feel have that this one is alittle more precise, somehow.
But in term of tracking, and everything they are exactly the same.
stable 1000Hz option.
[SIZE="4"]Lift Of Distance (LoD)[/SIZE] - First says that I only have QcK Mass as cloth mouse and pad and Only have 9HD as hard one.
each one of the mice on QcK Mass:
Spawn - 1CD (feel alittle bit more than 1.2mm but not too much - 1.4-1.6).
Xai - 1CD (exacly 1.2mm).
Microsoft IME3.0 - 1CD (1.2mm).
Razer Deathadder respawn - 3CD's-3.6mm stock(without tape trick and extra feets).
2CD's-2.4mm (with extra feets, without tape fix).
1CD's-1.6-1.8 (both extra feets and tape trick fix.
not feel like 1.2, but not far).
KinzuAdder - 1CD - 1.2mm (unlike the 3500, this mouse is only use taped fix without any extra feets and it feels exactly 1.2mm like Xai, 3.0.
cant talk about without extra feets or without fix-tape beacause I bought it fix-taped, but seems like the 1800 lens are diffrents and better's than the 3500 one.)
[SIZE="4"]Shape and ergonomic:
[/SIZE]I have pretty large hand and I tend to use Plam and claw ingame.
Spawn - The ergonic is great I think that CM did a wise decide when they put only ring finger support and no pinky, beacause some tend to drag it on the surface and some doesn't.
The non-slippery sides feels great in the hand and they are very comfort to put the finger on them.
Overall shape is quite small but wide, fits my claw very well and not the best for plamers, only if small hand's.
Xai - pretty much good comfort for fingertip and Claw, me personally dont like the shape when I tend to plam beacause my ring and pinky fingers feels unnatural, but when claw it was fit my hand and fingers very well.
I would suggest this shape to anyone who claw or fingertip thier mice, or have small hand and plam.
Microsoft IME3.0 - great comfort for plam, for Claw is less comfortable.
I would suggest this shape for any one looking for big/huge mouse for every big hand that tend to plam or tend to claw and have big hand.
DeathAdder - pretty much lower profile 3.0 in my opinion, for Claw it was alot less comfortable, but for Plam I can suggest with one without even thinking.
KinzuAdder - since this one use the Kinzu shape - I found it perfect shaped for both plam and claw's, since its smaller than Xai and have more small hump which make it balanced for claw and plam's and have no buttons which make the Right-side of the mouse feel more natural and comfort.
Shape size Comparison:
[SIZE="4"]Build Quality :[/SIZE]
CM Spawn - Feels really well made and high quality metrials and Contestant not bad at all with sweat hands, the switch are great - not too mushy and not too hards - really remind me the Xai's, the Cable is great - flexible and not became broths, its size is between the Xai's cable and Deathadder's 1800 one.
The mouse have overall 7 buttons that can be programmed (overall 9 - cpi up and down buttons).
Xai - The highest quality metials surface I've ever tested, The switchs have great balance of force clicks ,the Feets are not too much slippery and pretty medium friction, the cable is quite annoying - really fat heavily, not at all flexible and drag all over the surface.
The mouse have overall 7 buttons that can be proggramed, not include the CPI Button.
IME3.0 - Feels cheap plastics made, the switch are ok, the side buttons are too mushy and loose and the scroll wheel are ok but seems to be buggy - unwanted jumps.
The clicks-force have just ok balance. but when bump the HZ they feels ALITTLE less responsive.
The feets are feels also cheap plastics.
The cable is not bad, and no good also - its not much flexible and really "fat".
Deathadder Respawn - Build quality not best and not even close TBH.
when I moved from Xai to the Deathadder the quality of the DeathAdder feels REALLY cheap, and the glossy-sides was always annoying me.
the Cable also is good braided and very flexbiel than most of the braided cords in the market.
The feets are pure teflon with low friction, feels high quality, but they are thinner and make the mouse's bottom drag on the surface.
The DeathAdder have 6 programble buttons not include the profile button.
KinzuAdder - Kinzu shape - uses the same meterials that in the Xai - the best.
The switch on the KinzuAdder are quite better and have very good responsive, one of the best.(can talk about the normal kinzu since AFAIK it use diffrents switchs that found only in the red edition).
The feets are really cheap.
The cable in the KinzuAdder is the Deathadder-1800's cable which I found to be really good.
Cables Comparison:
Thanks alot for the reading, this takes me alot of time to write it all, Hope I can help some. ;)[/QUOTE]
some notes:
"Also, the sensor is centered, but not "dead" centered exactly:
"the Spawn's cable is the same as Xai's but rubber plasic version and quite less heavy.
First of all, I want to personally sorry about my english, and hope you can understand me, I will try my best.
Second, In this review I will Categorize every term in evey mouse I have that said in the topic, according to this:
[*]Lift Of Distance (LoD)
[*]Shape and ergonomic
[*]Build quality (switch, feel, force, Cable and Feets)
I want to say before start to talk about each mouse's sensor that my maximum speed when moving the mouse fast is 1.67-190m/s and As far as I remember I can also reach 2.0m/s but rare (my settings are 400cpi and 1.2-1.8 sensitivity).
CM Spawn - I unable to reach the get any negative accelration and also cannot make the mouse skip or make it stop tracking, I've to say that this sensor felt the most precise and accurate for me ingame and the tracking was better than all mice I have/had.
1000HZ option is stable.
Xai - That mouse always cofuse me when I was playing with it, on the QcK and the 9HD..it was very very precise, but sometime it was awful and no precise at all, I have to say that I noticed in the past alittle really negative accelration on cloth but since in the past I was more higher sensitivty player (1800cpi, sens 1) so I was not move my mouse really quick, so the negative accel was not boths me much, after I moved to the 9HD I was never getting any negative accel, but I was notice that something other is mass my movement, after cleaning, and contact Steelseries Support and local store - nothing helps me get a solution about it, and after read in this forum, I know'd that the problem was the Positive accelration..
I have to say that the Xai tracking on hard surface was really great.
Also says that when I tested the Xai with more than 3k CPI, I was noticed alittle jittering.
Also, the 1000Hz option is stable.
Microsoft IME3.0 - I was playing with it untill yesterday, I was really like the sensor untill, but in the first day when I've used it I've comed in conclusion that I'm reach the meximum sensor speed of the mouse and enable to make it miss pixels and get alot of negative accelration and unwanted tracking really fast, but since that time I was forced myself to up my sensitivity to not do such a quick moves with my mouse - kinda sad. :D
Have to say that the IME3.0 sensor not have any extra prediction/angle snapping/correction and never jittered or does unwanted tracking and such.
When Bump to 500Hz, its stable, but not as mice that as this stock, no diffrents ingame, but in rate-checkers.
DeathAdder Respawn [3500] - Great sensor, unable to make it skip pixel or stop tracking and dont get negative or positive accelration, not jettring and it have normal prediction/angle snapping/correction.
Stable 1000Hz option.
KinzuAdder - Exact info as DeathAdder respawn, but I rarely feel have that this one is alittle more precise, somehow.
But in term of tracking, and everything they are exactly the same.
stable 1000Hz option.
[SIZE="4"]Lift Of Distance (LoD)[/SIZE] - First says that I only have QcK Mass as cloth mouse and pad and Only have 9HD as hard one.
each one of the mice on QcK Mass:
Spawn - 1CD (feel alittle bit more than 1.2mm but not too much - 1.4-1.6).
Xai - 1CD (exacly 1.2mm).
Microsoft IME3.0 - 1CD (1.2mm).
Razer Deathadder respawn - 3CD's-3.6mm stock(without tape trick and extra feets).
2CD's-2.4mm (with extra feets, without tape fix).
1CD's-1.6-1.8 (both extra feets and tape trick fix.
not feel like 1.2, but not far).
KinzuAdder - 1CD - 1.2mm (unlike the 3500, this mouse is only use taped fix without any extra feets and it feels exactly 1.2mm like Xai, 3.0.
cant talk about without extra feets or without fix-tape beacause I bought it fix-taped, but seems like the 1800 lens are diffrents and better's than the 3500 one.)
[SIZE="4"]Shape and ergonomic:
[/SIZE]I have pretty large hand and I tend to use Plam and claw ingame.
Spawn - The ergonic is great I think that CM did a wise decide when they put only ring finger support and no pinky, beacause some tend to drag it on the surface and some doesn't.
The non-slippery sides feels great in the hand and they are very comfort to put the finger on them.
Overall shape is quite small but wide, fits my claw very well and not the best for plamers, only if small hand's.
Xai - pretty much good comfort for fingertip and Claw, me personally dont like the shape when I tend to plam beacause my ring and pinky fingers feels unnatural, but when claw it was fit my hand and fingers very well.
I would suggest this shape to anyone who claw or fingertip thier mice, or have small hand and plam.
Microsoft IME3.0 - great comfort for plam, for Claw is less comfortable.
I would suggest this shape for any one looking for big/huge mouse for every big hand that tend to plam or tend to claw and have big hand.
DeathAdder - pretty much lower profile 3.0 in my opinion, for Claw it was alot less comfortable, but for Plam I can suggest with one without even thinking.
KinzuAdder - since this one use the Kinzu shape - I found it perfect shaped for both plam and claw's, since its smaller than Xai and have more small hump which make it balanced for claw and plam's and have no buttons which make the Right-side of the mouse feel more natural and comfort.
Shape size Comparison:
[SIZE="4"]Build Quality :[/SIZE]
CM Spawn - Feels really well made and high quality metrials and Contestant not bad at all with sweat hands, the switch are great - not too mushy and not too hards - really remind me the Xai's, the Cable is great - flexible and not became broths, its size is between the Xai's cable and Deathadder's 1800 one.
The mouse have overall 7 buttons that can be programmed (overall 9 - cpi up and down buttons).
Xai - The highest quality metials surface I've ever tested, The switchs have great balance of force clicks ,the Feets are not too much slippery and pretty medium friction, the cable is quite annoying - really fat heavily, not at all flexible and drag all over the surface.
The mouse have overall 7 buttons that can be proggramed, not include the CPI Button.
IME3.0 - Feels cheap plastics made, the switch are ok, the side buttons are too mushy and loose and the scroll wheel are ok but seems to be buggy - unwanted jumps.
The clicks-force have just ok balance. but when bump the HZ they feels ALITTLE less responsive.
The feets are feels also cheap plastics.
The cable is not bad, and no good also - its not much flexible and really "fat".
Deathadder Respawn - Build quality not best and not even close TBH.
when I moved from Xai to the Deathadder the quality of the DeathAdder feels REALLY cheap, and the glossy-sides was always annoying me.
the Cable also is good braided and very flexbiel than most of the braided cords in the market.
The feets are pure teflon with low friction, feels high quality, but they are thinner and make the mouse's bottom drag on the surface.
The DeathAdder have 6 programble buttons not include the profile button.
KinzuAdder - Kinzu shape - uses the same meterials that in the Xai - the best.
The switch on the KinzuAdder are quite better and have very good responsive, one of the best.(can talk about the normal kinzu since AFAIK it use diffrents switchs that found only in the red edition).
The feets are really cheap.
The cable in the KinzuAdder is the Deathadder-1800's cable which I found to be really good.
Cables Comparison:
Thanks alot for the reading, this takes me alot of time to write it all, Hope I can help some. ;)[/QUOTE]
some notes:
"Also, the sensor is centered, but not "dead" centered exactly:
"the Spawn's cable is the same as Xai's but rubber plasic version and quite less heavy.
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