all the time there are new updates downloaded and installed on my machine ... like every 3rd or 4th there are windows updates, even if I disable updates, updates are downloaded and installed ...
and then you always have to wait for your machine to install the updates when shutting down, why is there no option: no I don't want to install these updates now, and even another option: please never ask me again about installing these updates.
and then there are also these adobe crapupdates of flash and reader, wtf? there are like 3-4 adobe updates every month ... what do I need an update for a pdf-reader for????????????????????? Or even flash ... And on Ubunbu you have to install updates every week ...
wtf? I have better things to do with my time than downloading and installing updates :-(, once a month is fully sufficicent, but please stop this new trend ... it's trendy now to make the user download every 2-3 days some updates it seems's just getting really annoying now