I already own the Xai which I thought would have been the end of my mice buying days but since I have stumbled onto this site I thought that I would ask the experts what they think the best mouse for me might be.
Cutting to the chase. I have very large hands (middle finger is 3.75in. long and it is a little over 8in. from my wrist to the end of my middle finger) and use a fingertip grip for my mouse. I play SC2 at 1890DPI and I have never played a shooter on the computer before but I plan to play a lot of BF3 when it comes out. Optical/Laser does not matter to me so long as the mouse works very well. I really like having 2 thumb buttons to use for SC2, but for an FPS I think I can live without them. So maybe I will keep my Xai for SC2 and buy another mouse for BF3. Have not yet decided.
So what is/are some of the best mice for me to be looking at? What DPI should I use for BF3 when it comes out to be sure that I play my best? I dont have a ton of room using an artisan kai medium mousepad. It is about as large as a 9HD but I am sure you all know that already.
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