The official QuakeLive forum has tons of trolls and people who are spreading misinformation and talking about quakelive dying and what not.
This would be a very unpopular move, but I would have a 'Grievances' forum near bugs/technical issues. And every single post made in other forums that is classifed as troll/bitching/whining would go here for review. If a troll keeps posting in other forums, that person is given a warning. If he keeps posting in the wrong forums then he is ip banned from the forum.
This is to keep general discussion/site news/suggestions/getting started etc CLEAN and free of bullshit that will scare newbies away. Seeing 'OMFG GAME IS FULL OF HACKERS' just doesn't fucking help.
Now that the forum is cleaned and isn't scaring away newbs, I will move on to step 2.
This would be a very unpopular move, but I would have a 'Grievances' forum near bugs/technical issues. And every single post made in other forums that is classifed as troll/bitching/whining would go here for review. If a troll keeps posting in other forums, that person is given a warning. If he keeps posting in the wrong forums then he is ip banned from the forum.
This is to keep general discussion/site news/suggestions/getting started etc CLEAN and free of bullshit that will scare newbies away. Seeing 'OMFG GAME IS FULL OF HACKERS' just doesn't fucking help.
Now that the forum is cleaned and isn't scaring away newbs, I will move on to step 2.
Every person that creates a new account is put into a tier 1 server. If they win their first game, they are immediately put into a tier 2 server. If they win their first game, they are placed into tier 3.
Every account that is in tier 1 will be accuracy tested. If they have
40+ rail/ 30+ lg then they will move up to tier 2 even without winning. If their accuracy is shit in tier 2 and they lose, they will go back down eventually to tier 1.
Having newbs tossed directly into tier 3 for 20 fucking games, is just such a fucking terrible idea. Holy shit. Tier 5 will be available and will be for the 90-100 skilled players only. Seeing a tier that is restricted access for a newb is like telling a kid that he shouldn't look for porn on the internet. Nigga will totally want to try to get in, cuz its a challenge, so he'll work harder to get into the elusive tier 5.
All tiers will be shown on servers. So you can call ppl slummers to their face and they can't hide. Also, you can just tell them to climb up to your tier and stop being a bitch. Now for step 3.
Every account that is in tier 1 will be accuracy tested. If they have
40+ rail/ 30+ lg then they will move up to tier 2 even without winning. If their accuracy is shit in tier 2 and they lose, they will go back down eventually to tier 1.
Having newbs tossed directly into tier 3 for 20 fucking games, is just such a fucking terrible idea. Holy shit. Tier 5 will be available and will be for the 90-100 skilled players only. Seeing a tier that is restricted access for a newb is like telling a kid that he shouldn't look for porn on the internet. Nigga will totally want to try to get in, cuz its a challenge, so he'll work harder to get into the elusive tier 5.
All tiers will be shown on servers. So you can call ppl slummers to their face and they can't hide. Also, you can just tell them to climb up to your tier and stop being a bitch. Now for step 3.
This one is kind of hard since It's actual
fucking work. Time to implement IRC type chat into quakelive. Why? So newbs can see how many people are online waiting for games. Remember mplayer/ Yes, i'm totally ripping off those bitches now. Players in this lobby will have tags near their name to represent how awesome they are. So newbs can pm people and ask questions and bother us elite.
The more information you give newbs, the happier they are. Also
you can schedule tournaments/pickups much easier when you have everyone in a single fucking chatroom already built into the site.
fucking work. Time to implement IRC type chat into quakelive. Why? So newbs can see how many people are online waiting for games. Remember mplayer/ Yes, i'm totally ripping off those bitches now. Players in this lobby will have tags near their name to represent how awesome they are. So newbs can pm people and ask questions and bother us elite.
The more information you give newbs, the happier they are. Also
you can schedule tournaments/pickups much easier when you have everyone in a single fucking chatroom already built into the site.
Now i've got more newbs since tiers are actually not shitting all over them now, so they are running around in ffa and instagib. Now to gather them all up.
I will make Freezetag free. This shit gets newbs wet. They all gather and freeze each other and shit. It's boring for the skilled players, but keeps newbs entertained. They will start to learn timing and basic skills because of the timing needed for freezetag powerups. I am slowly breeding them into tdm players.
I will make Freezetag free. This shit gets newbs wet. They all gather and freeze each other and shit. It's boring for the skilled players, but keeps newbs entertained. They will start to learn timing and basic skills because of the timing needed for freezetag powerups. I am slowly breeding them into tdm players.
Freezetag being free means the premium/pro fags are gonna rage since its basically the only thing other than maps that they were buying with a subscription. Okay, to let them cool the shit down. I'll add Capturestrike to premium.
Devpicks will continue but certain weekends and holidays are when i would allow capturestrike/premium maps to be completely free to try insuring that newbs will populate this mode on those days, thus the regular premium playerbase will try capturestrike because of the influx of people. Then newbs that like it will get a subscription and the premium players will start playing it more regularly.
This shit is round based CA with flags and is definitely spectator friendly and spray worthy, its basically quake CS style (not shitty). Fuck dood, i'll gather all the CA players and CTF players in 1 mode. When the CA players call the CTFers newbs, they will all go play CTF and get smashed. Thus creating a lot of new CTF teams from CTFS players.
Devpicks will continue but certain weekends and holidays are when i would allow capturestrike/premium maps to be completely free to try insuring that newbs will populate this mode on those days, thus the regular premium playerbase will try capturestrike because of the influx of people. Then newbs that like it will get a subscription and the premium players will start playing it more regularly.
This shit is round based CA with flags and is definitely spectator friendly and spray worthy, its basically quake CS style (not shitty). Fuck dood, i'll gather all the CA players and CTF players in 1 mode. When the CA players call the CTFers newbs, they will all go play CTF and get smashed. Thus creating a lot of new CTF teams from CTFS players.
Shit, TDM AND CTF are ghost towns, fuck. Waitagoddamnminute! Why do newbs quit these things? Oh imbalanced + no idea how to play this shit. Okay, typing in quake never gets ANY fucking answers. I'll have to program voice chat and a block system so people don't rage at preteens asking stupid shit. This will make newbs ask questions like 'what the fuck, where is the flag ??' and you can tell them they 'FUCKING HAVE IT ALREADY AND THEY CAN CAP IT RIGHT NEXT TO THEM'. goddamn fucking newbs.
We need moarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr maps. Good maps are played, shit maps are not played. To get good maps we have to sift through the shit. I'll let everyone in quake that buys a premium/pro subscription have the ability to make maps. But first i'll have to implement a part of the website that has a built in map maker. This way all the graphics and shit is directly from id software and i know all maps saved into my database is my property. Hrmm.. they need incentive to create maps though. Oh ok, i'll hold a mapping competition every month. Top 5 maps for each mode gets some prizes. :))) Premium maps that are not popular would be made free after a certain time, and popular maps would be cycled into the free map pool every now and then.
Pros are angry! Shit, they mad son. Let me calm them down with the ability to host lan servers. Only pro subscriptions, but this is a huge deal. The stats will not be saved but who gives a shit about stats, maybe they could be uploaded separately after every month or some shit but i'll figure that out later.
hrmm i'll buy a cheap ass subscription to some anti cheat thingy. To put newbs mind at ease. When a major site is offering cheats for quakelive for $40. I'll sign up too, every time they put out a cheat i'll wait 2 weeks, then send it to the anticheat ppl so they can mass ban everyone who has that cheat. Effectively raging all the cheaters, especially the ones with paid subscriptions. raped son.
Newbs still don't know shit about quake.. i'll add defrag + some trick maps, they can fuck around in singleplayer or time trials online, race their ghosts and shit. Also i'll get some community vods of players commentating games like duel/tdm/ctf/ca and sticky them in forums so newbs can watch and review. High quality cfgs though, to not look cheap but the information would be great.
For duel it would be just 3 tiers, if you get
shit on its your own fault for trying to play in the hard tier, shitty.
+ we got anti cheat, no blaming shit now brah, fuck off to hello kitty online adventure if u can't cut it.
shit on its your own fault for trying to play in the hard tier, shitty.
+ we got anti cheat, no blaming shit now brah, fuck off to hello kitty online adventure if u can't cut it.
I need to advertise this shit.
I'll send out some forum jockeys. They'll join forums like team liquid and even low key forums and spread quakelive from youtube channels to esreality hard core sites. Spread that shit enough and something is bound to happen.
I'll probably also get a community bitch to sift through some pro demos to get a highlight reel and make a simple quakelive movie every month and put it on the front page of the site, just to make some newbs/visitors know what is capable in quake.
I'll send out some forum jockeys. They'll join forums like team liquid and even low key forums and spread quakelive from youtube channels to esreality hard core sites. Spread that shit enough and something is bound to happen.
I'll probably also get a community bitch to sift through some pro demos to get a highlight reel and make a simple quakelive movie every month and put it on the front page of the site, just to make some newbs/visitors know what is capable in quake.
I need extras, i'll let pro subscribers get GTV with a built in ad fuction so even if they aren't watching a stream, my ads still fuck your view up, buahhaha. Might as well give everyone a stand alone demo player too with built in MVD (multiview demos), so you can watch shit even if you don't have pro subscriptions for hosting offline servs.
A tournament coming up? Hell i'll put a stream directly on webpage. If u join you see a bigass stream, can't miss it newbs. More viewers = more interest in quake from sponsors. ;)
Quakelive is a competition, i need to give them something to work for. Every month the top 16 people in each of the 3 ladder sections for duel will be pitted in a tournament. The top 4 winners from each ladder will then be put into another tournament, to give the winners from the lower ladders a taste of true quake power so they don't get swelled heads. There will also be open TDM/CTF/CA/CTFS tournaments to keep players motivated and keep the scene alive.
Casting/streaming will be left to the community pros.
Casting/streaming will be left to the community pros.
Pro subscribers have access to an alias buster, input 1 name and all the accounts connnected to that ip are displayed. Also pro/premium subscribers are allowed to host their config and 3 demos (of certain mb limits) on their profile page. There will be monthly/yearly stats and graphs to show accuracy improvements and game type wins over time. They will also be allowed to reset their stats anytime they want, but not their tier ranking. And subscribers can only have 2 alt accounts which will be shown on their main account but hidden from everyone else. (they will see it if they do a search on alias buster though)
Fuck CA. People join, play 1 game to round limit 10 then leave. Seriously? Rocket Arena 3 was the shit. I joined the big arena got like 100 frags, spent 2 hours owning in there, then went into the tiny arenas for some 1v1 or 2v2 action, then went back into the big arenas. This game style and mode was completely addicting. You just couldn't leave. Someone talking smack in the big arena? You leave and go to the small arenas to own him, no searching for other servers, everyone would go and watch, was so much win. I would work to try to weave together certain maps with the same style and add them as Rocket arena maps. This is to differentiate from capturestrike, and make quake a lot more addicting, like old times.
Anything i miss? Anything you want to add? This is how i'd go about fixing QuakeLive.
tl;dr = fy;ga (fuck you, go away)
[If anyone wants to make the language professional/neat or re-arrange shit, just imsg me everything corrected and i'll just paste it over, i cba to type like a nerd]
Edited by jamalz at 11:01 CDT, 19 July 2011 - 35722 Hits