Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 14:27 CDT, 20 July 2011 - iMsg
"The full tournament rules will be posted later today, including a rules change for the Duel tournament to accommodate the high quantity of quality requests for invites." SyncError
He's a dissenter. Quick ban him. He has something negative to say about quake live. We can't have that. Burn him at the cross!!!!
One thing you'll learn about life as you grow up gstructor, is that perception and reality are 2 different things. I'll let you figure out which is true in the case of quake live's recent quakecon update. I'll give you a hint: last year's duel tournament had 64 slots.
I think you know the answer, but i know you'll just disagree with me regardless. It doesn't change the facts.
I don't need to learn anything to focus on the empty half, is what the majority of people is good at. Judging the support of a company towards a product solely on a cold number is shortsighted at best. They upped the number, they let bicho in, servers are up, players are connected, but oh look quake is gonna dieeeeee ;)