electronic music is stupid. someone has a great idea, works on it and creates a sound. somebody uses that idea to create their own take and the progression begins. for a while everything is great and there's this new music that is different to what everyones been listening to since this last happened. more and more people pick up on it and then some producer makes a record that is good enough to hit the mainstream and become a success. radio plays & interviews, world tour bookings the lot. at the same time the sound spreads worldwide and everybody and their grandmother is taking 'lock stock and 2 smoking barrels' quotes and putting it to a beat. the whole thing gets watered down and you have to shift through shit to find gold. but it's still there, and it's good.

i made a new mix of some good stuff, maybe you'll like it:

p.s. it's dubstep with a pinch of techno


there are a bunch of other mixes i made @ http://wadle.co.uk/tom/ some old some new
