This tournament will be the first time DotA 2 is shown in public, and will take place August 17th -21st at Gamescom in

Link: Schedule, Brackets, Results and Stream
Edited by Badb0y at 10:15 CDT, 17 August 2011 - 73654 Hits
Valve just confirmed a peak at the streams: 1.4 million.
Gabe Newell: I’ve played Dota 2 for about 800 hours. The cool thing about Dota 2 is that it’s probably the game that we’ve made that we’re most obsessed with playing. As a games developer, you tend to get pretty tired of the thing that you’re developing, because you had to experience all the flaws and the difficulties all along. You sort of reach the point where you’re like ‘Let’s just be done with this.’ Dota 2? Every day, after we’re done working on the game, everyone goes home and plays it till 2 or 3 in the morning.http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/08/17/gabe-newell...800-hours/
“We’re streaming these events on the web, and the next step is for people to be able to watch these games in their client,” he said.