Who are the best FFA players? like really top now..not of all times. I mean players that own FFA servers today.
95203 Hits
How do you know the players he played against were better?If only that were pointed out somewhere in the thread some-- oh wait..
against all the best duellers in the world
I was talking about the players he played in FFA. Not duel.
Duel is a completely different mode to duel, just as it is to TDM/CTF.
If i gave two shits about demos I would alias and I have played less than 4 days of quake in over 2.5 years.
And still I come within a minute of the worlds best time on this map and beat cooller by over two mins.
Nothing in CPM could rage me because its always been a dead tournament game and I only follow top tier games.
You or I have no idea how good the people cooler was playing against
ASSUMING that coollers opponents were that much better than mine (just because its me), while ignoring the fact that you have no clue if that is true or not
We're talking about FFA. So his duel results are related to just that duel. This is FFA.
Secondly, you said CPM bots, I beat CPM bots. I know the goal posts always move with you, hence you now talking about difficulty levels of them and trying focus on other aspects of my game, despite me saying im inactive, playing a mode with toally different physics, no idea of sound etc. That was not the challenge.
Yet I have lied dozens of times? Name one with proof?
The fact that I hate CS, never play team games, never show any kind of interest towards it,have never been accused of cheating in quake (a game I actually did care about getting good at) should tell you all you need to know. (not your becaue you're fucked in the head and biased)
Luckily you have no influence or control IRL or ONLINE, so I laugh at you. Go and get the chat logs from valve if they exist, if they prove out to be me I'll donate a Ł1000 to a charity of valve's choice. Go fetch you little bitch.
Errr, no I wasn't comparing myself to cooller as a dueller. I simply said I beat his time on a FFA map. You poor little child you've gotten the wrong end of the stick again and made another fool of yourself. in public.
You said I was unable to beat CPM bots, now you're trying to talk about accuracy, movement. This was your fault for not defining a difficulty level (actually you did and I choose CPM level-the one you stated), so learn to accept the flaws of things you say, instead of focusing on the flawed outcomes of the FLAWED circumstances which YOU<< defined.
Hahahah, so your definiton of me being a liar is an indiscrepency between jamie and james. Life must be so difficult for you.
Secondly for the billionth time, those sites have very laxed protcols for information with only the name being used to define who worked on what a lot of the time, so there will be mistakes. You still fail to acknowledge that because your ego simply can't deal with it :)
Never once did I say I had like 12 houses and shit, again, this is another lie of yours stemmed from your own jealousy. Yes I did earn hundreds of thousands of dollars from gaming. If I said that about the houses, why not come back with a quote, lets see what you return shall we, given its all here according to you?
You are such a broken and bitter person, insert excuse here about why you can't find quote about 12 houses, your broken mind and reality are two seperate things. Minimum wage for a game designer? Also you forget about royalties which made up the bulk of that money.
Actually I bought half life 2 which came with CS SOURCE for free. Notice a pattern how everything you think is easily dismissed? with facts, yet you can only see one variable? That's bitterness.
I don't need to prove anything becaue circumstantial evidence is not proof. The proof is I have never ever shown any interest towards cs, other than saying what a terrible game and community it is. And the proof is you're doing a fine job of showing how biased you are becuase I ruined your ego.
I said I was better than him on that map, in FFA mode. I am.
FFA is different to duel. The times prove this. And as you say in your cheating thing, you have no proof otherwise.
I did play a CPM actually, anything abouot level 5 invokes the CPM bot, look I even made a screenshot to discredit you further.
You were the one who said I cannot beat a CPM bot, I beat it, now as usualy you can never take theblame for the things you say.
Officially my name is james and one I prefe to use, friends call me jamie, this is why I am know as jamie, but I refer to myself as james becuae you're not a friend. You're confused, its ok.
Actually testers do get royalties and a tester was my first job. I was promoted to designer for perfect dark.
No I bought half life 2, and if my memory serves me correctly you could download CS source for free. I have the quake gold pack here, it doesn't mean I ever play quake 1 or 2. Want pics?
How many times have quakeworld and quake 3 players seen me online? never, so once again, your logic is flawed.
Yes, I admit my account is banned, that doesn't mean I cheated.
don't you think its starnge I am somehow unknown in the CS scene?
They were not obviously more skilled becuase the average score of them in relation to cooller put them on 22 frags, this is you trying to make excuses.
you said I not beat a cpm bot, I beat it. Don't mad at me cos you fucked it up. its all for everyone to see your lies and goal post nature.
No, IMDB says he was a designer. Even the fucking credits from the game says he was a designer. Even with the comedy variation to the title. Its pretty clear, to all without your mind.
I defintely did not have the bronze pack, it could have been a demo download, or a free download. Ask someone impartial. I.E. not you.
The steam account was banned under Jamerio. So why would I cheat on my known alias account?
No someone cheated on my account which I lent out.
If you think that's not possible, why not send me your steam login details and we'll see if its possible to get you banned too? No? I didn't think so.
I'm known in the quake scene, whether you like it or not. I have my own user level on the biggest site and I was interviewed here and invited to a lan. That's more than you :)
Cooler didn't play pros, the average score of his opposition was 22 by the time he got to 50. You're simply lying and wrong.
you have no idea how they played. The scores show you how well they played. Badly.
CPM bots are invoked from level 6 or above, your constant ducking of the facts only strenghthens my point. You just can't accept it. you said I could not beat CPM bots, I beat them, even with the facts in place, you still try and squirm out of it like like a spoilt child, which I'm glad cos it shows what you're like on an undeniable nature.
The ingame credits are based around real life jobs.
They even do it in the simpsons from time to time, you simply can't accept or stomach the fact that the most you ever did with you gaming ambitions is work in lan centre. this is all so little old you can feel ok about you.
The point I was making with giving me your account details is you seem to think the only conclusion why I got banned is because I<< I cheated, I was simply pointing out, that anyone can get VAC banned if they make the mistake of lending ou their account.
Oh so now you do admit I'm known in the quake scene? haha :).
You have no idea how well they played. The fact that they averaged 22 frags while cooller got to 50 proves they were frag bait. Its just by making them out to be better, you feel undermines my win. Its ok, we've spotted your trend.
Accuracy had nothing to do with it, you said I would be unable to beat CPM bots and I did, which is why you're trying to move the goal posts further and comment on other factors like aim and movement. Like a spoilt child who can;t accept that his bluff was called and he's left trying to make excuses.
Body Builder refers to bea jones, who was a character modeller in the game. http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,55626/ Those with an iq above 50 might conclude that person had somethign to do with building characters. Oh look.
You did have gaming abmitions, so don't pretend, and the closest you got was working at a LAN centre and talking shit on forums.
Its pretty clear.
Valve would not possibly know if I lent my account out. Especially as it was on the same street with the same virgin ISP, though different accounts of course. I got vac banned because I lent my account out and that person cheated on my account. Simple really.
I'm know in quake becaue I have been to lans and there is an interview with me on this site. PLus I post here a lot, it makes no difference, the point is, I am not known at all in anything CS related.
But you've not seen the players cooller played, so how can you say they are not newbies either. You can't but still you try.
I never said they were, you're the one whose trying to imply that the players on coollers were somehow pros, or expereinced, when you have no idea.
i have not lied about anything, I said I beat coollers time and I did. You're the one that is lying and trying to imply that the players cooller played were somehow better, when you have no clue.
Name all of the players that cooller played against?
Let's see if you can actuallyl name them.
If you don't name them then it proves you have a clue, if you do name them then you list a bunch of names no one has ever heard of before.
/Me awaits excuse.
because you're claiming his opponets were good, so if they were not good, then the time he took to beat a bunch of newbs is still 2 minutes longer that it took for me to beat the same calibre of players.
but without knowing how good either opponents were, then we have to assume they were same
They were not good players. You're simply pretending they were to justify the timelimit cooller took in order to make mine less impressive.
here you go again, at least now you're admitting it was a CPM bot, in your original statement you said I would not even be able to beat CPM level bots. Its only when I did are you harping on about difficulty level. I told you before, don't blame for your initial inability to stipulate the terms you now deem as proper. Here is what you said just one more time :)
You did have gaming abmitions, so don't pretend, and the closest you got was working at a LAN centre and talking shit on forums.
Its pretty clear.
he would not have had the same ip, he might have the same ip range, because he lived 8 doors up and I know he had the same ISP cos everyone knows to come speak to me in the street i live. There is no way Valve would have known if it was me or not, cos this was a year or two after the game was released. The guy was a cheat, as is pretty much every young teenager who plays CS
Errr, why would I go to any other community when this is the best one? Actually I do have some accomplishments. I have take a dutch national quake 3 player into overtime. I have been interviewed, I have been invited to a lan with my expenses played.
I was the first person to introduce the concept of FPS maps into the Doom 3 community, which was later adopted by the quake 4 community. Perhaps not a lot, but more than you. And defintely something.
No you're lying, you don't even know the names of who they are, or the people I was playing
Even when the game says its CPM bots. Sorry, you're deluded. Even the game says its CPM, even in the last statement YOU SAID they were CPM bots. "You hit 23% LG against a level 6 CPM bot" Now you're arguing against yourself.
Apart from a bafta, having worked one some of the most popular games of all time, travelled the world, fulfilled my dreams of working on games, and been left with a skillset which allows me to earn good money doing something I live for. And all this stemmed from being elite at killer instict and being employed as a fighting game expert by the company that made it
I am not sure of your point, we've agreed my account was banned for cheating, I have agreed I lent my account be used by someone else. No here apart you and the usual crown believe I cheat or play Counter Strike, its like accusing slasher of listenting to boyzone. I dislike everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the community, to the team aspect, to everything, yet I had the motivtion to cheat and the stupididty to it on my own account. OK USA!
What's this obsession with other communities, why would I care about not being known there? Anyone who is anyone in quake comes here, so I am known from here. My definitons of success are > yours. I think a bafta from working on the sequel to Goldeneye is a solid gaming achievement, you think its having a 50% railgun in a game a handful of people play, many of whom have made great personal sacrifies. Horses for courses, I prefer to be multi talented.
mental health support worker (Dec 2010 - Present)Seems about right. Mental issues, but not bad enough to be fully institutionalized. The state pays you to assist mental health associates because you can't hold down a normal job.
High School: (Final Year: 2005)
I'm jsut saying in relation to the investment I put in I think its pretty amazing and just sounds dull when people say I'm crapYou're crap in relation to the time you spent bragging about winning a ffa match vs noobs.
I made more than $50,000 a year testing games because they sold well.