sum in qlranks thread, will work out your global rating from all accounts of quakelive
Q43A changes the world, it just resembles Q4 in Q4 engine, gameplay is a fusion of q3/ut/q4/best of q3 mods, Q43A fully configurable for any kind of gameplay
it depends of if you lowered or highered the amount of time played, rating is calculated from all values and everything should being taken into the fact, if you have a perfect rating system
How can you get 48.44% for 0 acc if you either multiply by it (which gets you a zero) or (according to his proper version) raise to the power of it, which gives you a 1?
good job there no math in null nuke, shits all cross platform file system and ftp, and yadda yadda corporate power base cms, brutal secure and lightspeed for massive databases n shit
so is physics, most people brain would callapse thinking with multi ways and end up like stephen hawkings crying imagining the universe always expanding