It's that time again, when we all watch horrible commercials and other horseshit from every dipshit and cunt on tv and radio. I mean, it's that time when we remember Pearl Harbor... when a bunch of completely unprovoked crazy Jappers with planes randomly kamikazed the United States (unlike in some other cases where crazy people with planes suicide-bombed the United States). Yes, it's the time when people who live in the past and cannot move on with their lives feel right at home. For the rest of us, it's just nauseating. I'm trying to watch a fucking football game and all this cocksucker 9/11 nazi propaganda shit comes on. Really fucking annoying.
And yes, I realize that you TV personalities are required to say all that crap, but fuck, that sucks. It's like you're a slave who will be beaten if you don't do what your master says.
And yes, I realize that you TV personalities are required to say all that crap, but fuck, that sucks. It's like you're a slave who will be beaten if you don't do what your master says.
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