Was this just wishful thinking or does anyone have any other information? Like Where? when? what?
148831 Hits
Semt-x wqhy do we have to wait for 23532948563 seconds before the next map starts?
@SyncError|home We can reduce the min time, but 30 seconds is pretty standard these days for end-game scoreboards in any release title.
@SyncError|home Well, I just cut the minimum time by an additional 5 seconds for team games.
@SyncError|home So next code update, it will be slightly shorter.
]OLD[Fraggie we all want to see some kind of anticheat? i dont care because i'm bad:) but i hate to see matches and think? is he cheating also?
@SyncError|home Yup, we all want to see some kind of anticheat.
@SyncError|home Someone within id, but not on the QL team, is working on it. So we're at the mercy of whether they are able to complete that work regardless of it not being their assigned task, whether it successfully passes testing, etc.
@SyncError|home We hope it pans out. :)
@SyncError|home We actually do have some other measures in place that tell us when people are cheating and logs a lot of data on them.
@SyncError|home So we're not entirely left to demo reviews atm like most believe.
zoot_ so when is punkbuster being introduced SyncError|home?
@SyncError|home There are no plans to ever reintroduce PB.
@SyncError|home It caused many issues.
@SyncError|home About 1/3 of our users couldn't play when we had PB running.
@SyncError|home You don't hear me on irc everyday
@SyncError|home and you don't read me on the forums everyday
@SyncError|home because I'm working nonstop on things.
@SyncError|home I can gladly begin speaking more everywhere (despite some not wanting me to).
@SyncError|home But work will get done slower.
chubz Shouldn't that be done by a resident PR/community handler
@SyncError|home chubz, yes it should be, but currently id doesn't have their own community manager
@SyncError|home so we rely on using Bethesdas
@SyncError|home and those resources are better committed on Rage atm.
@SyncError|home Hiring people costs money, and we're not making enough money to justify new hires on the project.
Drayan would be nice if players who disconnected weren't removed from the final scoreboard
Drayan streamers miss out on stats when players mass quit
@SyncError|home Yes, it would, but that won't be happening anytime soon, if ever.
Drayan :(
@SyncError|home All of the current scoreboard code is based on pulling information from connected clients.
@SyncError|home Moving to a system where we store all of that information prior to a disconnect, and then get into the mess of dealing with clients that disconnect and reconnect during a match is a whole mess. Considering the make up of our current team, I don't see us rewriting that at this point.
@SyncError|home I did some of that for the Premium TDM Scoreboard, where it stores team states, armor and power-up pickups..
@SyncError|home that info is correct even when players disconnect.
@SyncError|home But storing that info for 16 players is another matter.
Drayan well, could it "freeze" the scoreboard on game end maybe?
@SyncError|home Yes Drayan, maintaining data once we're at the end-game is much more doable.
dru1d any plans on adding more payment options?
dru1d card only sucks tbh
@SyncError|home druid, that is unknown atm. We have tried to pursue it.
@SyncError|home Yes, we worked hard to pursue PayPal as an option, but currently it is not.
@SyncError|home We're a private company and do not release our financial information, and PayPal will not give accounts to companies that do not share their financials.
@SyncError|home Its not like _I_ have any decision in whether we're public or not. :)
zoot_ sirax who made qlranks which has a ladder system
zoot_ made a ladder system in 1 week
zoot_ id software couldn't make it in 2 and a half years
zoot_ why don't you hire new coders?
@SyncError|home Hiring people costs money, and we're not making enough money to justify new hires on the project.
zoot_ so you got someone doing it for free?
@SyncError|home Correct
@SyncError|home We have an employee doing it outside of work hours.
zoot_ high quality...
@SyncError|home Yes high quality.
zoot_ sirax who made qlranks which has a ladder system
zoot_ made a ladder system in 1 week
zoot_ id software couldn't make it in 2 and a half years
zoot_ why don't you hire new coders?
@SyncError|home Hiring people costs money, and we're not making enough money to justify new hires on the project.
zoot_ so you got someone doing it for free?
@SyncError|home Correct
@SyncError|home We have an employee doing it outside of work hours.
zoot_ high quality...
@SyncError|home Yes high quality.
zoot_ sirax who made qlranks which has a ladder system
zoot_ made a ladder system in 1 week
zoot_ id software couldn't make it in 2 and a half years
zoot_ why don't you hire new coders?
@SyncError|home Hiring people costs money, and we're not making enough money to justify new hires on the project.
6) anticheat may or may not come but if it doesn't, it won't ever come from id
sounds more like he's referring to ql ranks based on that convo wouldn't you say. Nowhere in there was mention of a ql anticheat.So why the hell do you keep on refering to this conversation but ignore the one that actually was about anti-cheat?
6) anticheat may or may not come but if it doesn't, it won't ever come from id
@SyncError|home Yup, we all want to see some kind of anticheat.
@SyncError|home Someone within id, but not on the QL team, is working on it.
6) anticheat made by id?
@SyncError|home Someone within id, but not on the QL team, is working on it.
the 6) was a reply to anonymous.....No, it wasn't. It was a reply to chubz:
i quoted both convos in replies to show the difference in them, seing that one is about qlranks and the other about anticheat.
We have an employee doing it outside of work hours.
6) anticheat may or may not come but if it doesn't, it won't ever come from id.. is wrong either way.
[in] the original quote where the only thing mentioned was qlranks.
6) anticheat may or may not come but if it doesn't, it won't ever come from id
]OLD[Fraggie we all want to see some kind of anticheat? i dont care because i'm bad:) but i hate to see matches and think? is he cheating also?
@SyncError|home Yup, we all want to see some kind of anticheat.
@SyncError|home Someone within id, but not on the QL team, is working on it.
From the original conversation it isn't clear whether sync was talking about one or the other
6) anticheat may or may not come but if it doesn't, it won't ever come from id
]OLD[Fraggie we all want to see some kind of anticheat? i dont care because i'm bad:) but i hate to see matches and think? is he cheating also?
@SyncError|home Yup, we all want to see some kind of anticheat.
@SyncError|home Someone within id, but not on the QL team, is working on it.
he clearly stated that Anti cheat was done INHOUSE
6) anticheat may or may not come but if it doesn't, it won't ever come from id
Only thing inconclusive about that last part is:
what is the employee doing outside of work hours, he didn't specify? working with sirax on qlranks? working on a ladder of his own to compete with qlranks? is that employee = sirax?
zoot_ sirax who made qlranks which has a ladder system
zoot_ made a ladder system in 1 week
zoot_ id software couldn't make it in 2 and a half years
zoot_ why don't you hire new coders?
@SyncError|home Hiring people costs money, and we're not making enough money to justify new hires on the project.
zoot_ so you got someone doing it for free? (DOING WHAT?)
@SyncError|home Correct
@SyncError|home We have an employee doing it outside of work hours.
zoot_ high quality...
@SyncError|home Yes high quality.
@SyncError|home About 1/3 of our users couldn't play when we had PB running.
I wonder who is the guy in charge for PR and community management in Bethesda?
But then it doesn't seem that they'd be bad off financially since they have hired more people in the last few years than ever.
@SyncError|home Hiring people costs money, and we're not making enough money to justify new hires on the project.See, this is what I don't get. It used to be if you had a product, you make an investment in time and money to make that product. Then you release it to try and recoup expenses and make a profit.
A centralized web based quake titled game, based on a 12 year old title, should produce more.
More content, more meaning, more money, more advertisement, more players, more competitions.
That is if run properly.
Extra ordinary communication is to be had with these kinds of titles.
This isn't a MMORPG which is practically a singleplayer online experience, this is an MMOFPS which takes a different tone to interacting with users of all sorts and types!
"preserve what we have"
It is natural for the code to be checked, but it's not that complicated. It's a piece of code mostly not more than 50 lines of html and 10 lines of JS code submitted checked and tested within a day and released.
I wrote about that piece of code as an example of type of code that could be endorsed being submitted by the community.
Perception is inward and based on factual observations and reasoning.
No, I think you've been talking about code contributions to me the whole time. But it is hard to tell what you're talking about because you kind of rumble and state a bunch of unrelated things like they actually follow.
And I agree. These greasemonkey scripts, wolfcams, etc, exist without id's involvement and are optional to use. Great.
Yeah, why not? Let's make an ESR forum post listing all the scripts, if they are not already listed. What does id Software have to do with it? I already described why its counter-productive for them to spend resources on this about 10 times.
Who are the 'guys', why are you clumping them together, and why would they be afraid of anything? If you're asking why id Software should not spend resources on community software projects, the answer has been given many times. For every dollar they spend on this, they would have done more by themselves. How many times should this be repeated?
Yes, plenty of people are playing the game, myself included. It's working, and it can be improved. Because it can be improved, it doesn't mean it's not working.
Where do you find all these miserable people? I don't see anyone being miserable because of a computer game without some deeper psychological problem, which makes QL irrelevant to their misery. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to come up with things to change *for the better*. Some change is just not positive. I don't know what particular change you have in mind.
Nothing is wrong with telling them this once and bringing this up for consideration. If, after consideration, it is deemed counter productive, it is wrong to keep telling them to do it.
I kind of tend to err on the side of providing information and letting everybody else draw their own opinions and conclusions.
you must've played with one hell of a group of people
good!!! should of told all those pos to take a hike. I trully don't believe any honest person with a normal pc was not able to play ql becaues of pb.
Rage on PC has a confirmed release date on Tuesday 04 October 2011http://www.vgreleases.com/pc/releasedate-56743.aspx