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Edited by vile_ at 16:55 CDT, 14 July 2014 - 426361 Hits
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I've only put players I've watched on the list and only players I know are botting.i can't wait to see what's lead you to confirm me to be a botter. i just can't wait.
deathinfirei think i'm about to cry... the sheer joy i'm experiencing right now... i can't put it into words. i've finally made it!
My biggest problem is that a few of these guys I play with and they are obviously not hacking. I love it when people accuse players but cant back their shit up. Why does walter and kgb get called hackers? Hundreds of videos and demos yet nobody can prove anything because they don't hack.
I have never seen a cheater. All I see is n00bs crying wolf when they get smashed.
I'd say that too, cheating isn't likely a big problem now
they are MUCH rarer than what some people claim
Probably the reason QuakeLive isn't doing anything to stop the cheating is because it isn't a major issue.
Indeed. I've encountered 1 aimbot in a game of insta in my 1.2 months of playing this game. That is all.
actually i care less and less everyday. In the end, nothing will change no matter how many people get put on a list or what not.
Come on ray. We used to talk. You know my reasons for not liking Quake Live are legitimate and now heavily voiced by the community as a whole. My interest in Quake soon subsided after I played Quake 3 for a while longer and the genre was over for me. You know I tried to help Quake Live, that I liked the idea of Quake Live, and ultimately wanted to see it succeed and grow into the next big game. I was very proactive in my efforts to support the game when I started playing it. Time and time again the community was ignored. It became clear they weren't going anywhere, constantly going back on promises, feeding us empty words, never changing, never listening. The potential was overwhelming at one point and it was so sad to see it wasted. I have spent more time on Quake 3/Quake Live than any other game, but those times are already memories, both good and bad. In regards to the account 1cee, I've already explained to you. After leaving once as 270 they made one update and more promises that intrigued me. It didn't take long upon my return to see they were empty words and the game was truly headed for its own premature destruction.
All of what we used to talk about came to pass and I was one of the first to call it.
Isn't your shield too heavy, your sword too rusted?
Anyway, if there is one thing I never cared about in Quake it's my reputation.
I played for fun, not as a chore.
My skill will always be a testament to the time
and petty people like you who have jealously assumed my skills as cheats are superficial lambs that had some misplaced idea of importance.
If you know anything, i'm thorough.
It's of no concern of mine.
acc means nothing :/
81% lg is normal he says.
I know you are retarded, but what clan are "we" in?
yes u get banned for tier slumming sometimes. depends on how many noobs, such as yourself, cry about it to id software
You don't get banned for tier slumming. You will get banned for acting like a idiot
yes u get banned for tier slumming sometimes
depends on how many
"We'll have a working anti cheat before Christmas so things will get pretty interesting soon."
@SyncError|home • About 1/3 of our users couldn't play when we had PB running.1/3 of the playerbase is not a bad sacrifice considering atleast 2/3s if not more probably cheat these days thanks to QLHook. that ratio will only get worse this year if a proper anticheat is not implemented soon.