8.0 2011-06-14
newer version is available here:
* cg_deathShowOwnCorpse show your corpse falling to the ground when you die, use 0 if you want to match qldt behavior
* cg_deathStyle [0: don't alter view angles, 1: turn towards killer (like quake3 and quake live)(default), 2: keep tracking killer after you die, 3: set yaw to 0 (old behavior), 4: tilt camera like quake1]
* chaingun weapon stats fix
* con_scale like ql
* con_lineWidth max number of characters in console line
* cg_obituaryFadeTime like ql
* use infinity symbols in weapon bar and hud
* bug fix for /follow [killer|victim] and hover not working if player was gibbed or no longer in view
* freezetag fixes for new ql update (environment gib, scaling ice shader, etc.)
* fx script for thawing (used to be the same as gib)
* freezetag bug fix: don't pass ice shader/powerup to missiles
* cg_drawFragMessageTeamTokens, cg_drawFragMessageFreezeTeamTokens, cg_drawFragMessageFreezeTokens
* cg_teamKillWarning print "watch your fire!" for team kills
* r_teleporterFlash [0: draw black screen, 1: draw white screen, 2: wait to draw until in new view]
* main menu options to open wolfcam and quake live data directories
* can record demo while playing demo
* cg_cameraQue to allow camera to play even without /playcamera command [1: don't play commands associated with camera points, 2: play camerapoint commands], can be in first person while playing camera and can hop in and out with /freecam
* if ql paks not installed don't exit with cryptic message about q3config.cfg not being found
* camera: acceleration option see README
* camera: curve type added see README
* cg_cameraAddUsePreviousValues duplicates settings (camera type, etc.) of last added camera point when adding a new one
* camera: higher precision. No longer have to sync with demo snapshots (25ms), can add camera points at anytime (up to one millionth of a second).
* +chat and cg_chatHistoryLength like ql
* /addchatline
* +mouseseek (bound by default to SHIFT) You can fast forward and rewind by moving mouse.
* cg_mouseSeekScale how quickly/slowly you change time
* cg_mouseSeekPollInterval how often to check for mouse movement and then issue rewind/fastforward call.
* bug fix for drawing entity numbers
* framebuffer object support. r_useFbo r_fboStencil r_visibleWindowWidth r_visibleWindowHeight
* bug fix for disabled announcements when +info used
* cg_qlFontScaling [1: like ql, use alternate font when text becomes small, 2: always use 24 point ql font (old behavior)]
* clan tag support for tokens (frag message, etc) see README file
* fix/hack for same player being in first and second place in the scorebox
* cg_drawStatus works like quakelive
* fx: bug fix for 'ineyes' being set to true even if using freecam
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20438788/wolfcamql-8.0.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.1 2011-06-22
* bug fix: velocity always being set to 0 in freecam
* bug fix: seeking early in demo with any value could cause it to skip to end of demo
* main menu options for opening quakelive and wolfcam data directories check for custom fs_quakelivedir and fs_homepath
* fx: 'ineyes' also checks for third person rendering
* bug fix: crash if card doesn't support framebuffer objects
* in_checkForStolenMouseFocus will print a message to the console if an external application steals mouse focus
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20468726/wolfcamql-8.1.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.2 2011-06-29
* don't draw infinite ammo icon for gauntlet
* /follow crosshair uses specified crosshair color
* added sv_skillrating cvar for huds
* cg_cameraDefaultOriginType [ curve, spline, interp, jump ]
* can add camera points in between existing ones, also if there's one at the current time /addcamerapoint will edit that point with current settings
* cg_inheritPowerupShader for multiple powerups (ex: quad and medkit) do/don't apply the first powerup custom shader to the second
* camera bug fix: don't briefly switch to demo taker's pov at beginning and end of camera playback
* camera bug fix: end at final camera point
* cg_cameraUpdateFreeCam transfers origin and angles to freecam state
* pause roq playback if cl_freezeDemo == 1 (paused)
* bug fix for incorrect texture drawn with bloom enabled
* macosx binary doesn't require lib vorbis*/ogg to be installed
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20494636/wolfcamql-8.2.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.3 2011-07-26
* cg_quadKillCounter (same as quakelive)
* renamed cl_enableAtCommands to cg_enableAtCommands
* /at command with higher than millisecond precision
* q3 bug fix for skies without cloud shaders which can lead to texture corruption (ex: toxicity map)
* cg_screenDamageAlpha_Self
(note: was controlled previously by cg_screenDamageAlpha, so if you had screen damage enabled you would have black marks on the screen for self damage and with bloom turned on it would look like bloom was briefly being disabled)
* cl_freezeDemoPauseVideoRecording to pause recording of video/screenshots while paused
* r_fboAntiAlias
* bug fix for shotgun impact explosion shader appearing black
* colorize rail impacts the same way as quakelive (use color1 and not color2)
* support for new tdm scoreboard
* r_darknessThreshold control the brightness of map shadows and dark areas without changing too much the color and brightness levels of the lit portions
* bug fix for sinking models/sprites falling through the map
* /cvarinterp /clearcvarinterp to gradualy change the value of a cvar
ex: /cvarinterp s_volume 0 0.7 6.0
raises s_volume from 0 to 0.7 in 6 seconds
* cg_fadeColor, cg_fadeAlpha for screen fading in/out
* cg_fadeStyle (0: fade before drawing hud, 1: fade after drawing hud)
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20604618/wolfcamql-8.3.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.4 2011-09-09
* /clientoverride accepts 'us' and 'mates'
* com_hunkmegs default now 128
* cg_forcemodel works with team games, also added an option 2: ignore team skin
* cg_forcePovModel will use 'model' settings for 1st person pov
* cg_whShader if you want to use something other than 'powerups/quad'
* cg_playerShader to add a non wall hacked shader (can be used in combination w
ith cg_whShader to make it easier to see when someone becomes visible)
* cg_wideScreen 0: original code 1: don't adjust values to 4/3 aspect ratio
2: adjust both y and x values based on only the x ratio (a bit of a hack to all
ow already created configs)
This isn't perfect as there are still some hard coded values assuming 4/3 asp
ect within the source code, but it should work well for movie configs to preven
t stretching of the crosshair and text.
* support for q3mme fx 'shaderlist'
* cg_freecam_unlockPitch
* r_anaglyphMode fixed
* r_anaglyph2d to allow or prevent splitting colors for the hud portion
* cg_drawSelf similar to cg_drawFriend and cg_drawFoe. It draws a white triang
le over the demo taker. Usefull if you use /follow
* move ammo counter a bit to the right for cg_weaponBar 2
* cg_hudRedTeamColor cg_hudBlueTeamColor cg_hudNoTeamColor for use with hud element CG_TEAM_COLOR, default for no team color (ffa, duel) matches quakelive's slightly orange color
* renamed cg_[red|blue]TeamColor to cg_weapon[Red|Blue|No]TeamColor and update documentation with respect to them. They are used with cg_[enemy|team]RailColor[1|2]Team settings.
* ioquake3 bug fixes (see track-svn.txt)
some notable ones: grappling hook not loading trail shader, don't grab mouse until UI loads
* fix portal orientations
* bug fix: don't play /follow hit sounds if cg_hitBeep == 0 or if it's the same view as the demo taker (also team hit sounds)
* bug fix: only play teamhit sound if cg_hitbeep >= 1
* clan tag in scorebox and fix for clan name in new tdm scoreboard
* bug fix: register all weapons in clan arena to prevent seeing null textures for projectiles and impact marks, and always register grapple
* support for EV_INVUL_IMPACT
* better delagging for lan and low ping games
* bug fix: orientation fix for ads and r_singleshader
* bug fix: no longer stretching ads (ex: bridge dm6)
* bug fix: transparency of some ads (ex: skyward)
* bug fix: tdm scoreboard has country flag in second column
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20761332/wolfcamql-8.4.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
esdf also has a mirror at http://vmaric.com/misc/wolfcam/ if you have problems with filefront
8.5 2011-10-30
* can use +zoom in freecam
* cg_wideScreen 3 to only adjust crosshair
* cg_hudForceRedTeamClanTag and cg_hudForceBlueTeamClanTag
* /changeconfigstring and /cconfigstrings (see readme)
* cg_drawFPS (2: higher precision and use given time in cgame not real time -- for debugging, 3: use current frame value not average of last four)
* eliminated mme_workMegs, will allocate memory based on video settings
* removed limit of 32 for mme_blurFrames and mme_blurOverlap
* fx: improved compatability with q3mme, eliminated some timescale and fps dependencies, cg_fxScriptMinEmitter, cg_fxScriptMinDistance, cg_fxScriptMinInterval (see readme)
* fx bug: trig functions where using radians instead of degrees. If you have a script where you like the current behavior you can change:
cos(someValue) to cos(someValue * 180.0 / PI) and it will continue working the same way.
* fx: t? and v? expanded up to 9
* fx: some debugging options (see readme)
* cg_autoWriteConfig (0: don't automatically write q3config.cfg when a cvar changes (can be useful for testing configs), 1: always write q3config.cfg when a cvar changes, 2: (default) don't write q3config.cfg if a cvar is changed from fx scripting code or with /cvarinterp to prevent hard disk thrashing)
* map autoxec: maps/campgrounds.cfg, maps/lostworld.cfg, etc...
* fx: impact scripts have the reflected impact velocity in 'velocity', see scripts/dirtest.fx (red stuff is reflected velocity, blue is 'dir' or face plane)
* proximity mines leave explosion marks on walls and not just floors
* cg_adShaderOverride when set to 1 you can use cg_adShader[num] to replace the ad. It needs to be the name of a shader:
ex: create a file name scripts/mycustomads.shader with the following:
myad1 {
map somePic.jpg
Then 'set cg_adShader3 myad1' will replace the 3rd map ad with your custom pic.
You can use /devamp somemap and then /gotoad [ad number] to find how they are numbered.
* fx bug: common impactFlesh wasn't being called by machine gun hits
* fx bug: 'dir' for lg impact was using the wrong vector
* don't spam console when recording video
* only use r_visibleWindow[Width|Height] if r_useFbo 1
* /fragforward can be used with /follow victim
esdf also has a mirror at http://vmaric.com/misc/wolfcam/ if you have problems with filefront
* cg_deathStyle [0: don't alter view angles, 1: turn towards killer (like quake3 and quake live)(default), 2: keep tracking killer after you die, 3: set yaw to 0 (old behavior), 4: tilt camera like quake1]
* chaingun weapon stats fix
* con_scale like ql
* con_lineWidth max number of characters in console line
* cg_obituaryFadeTime like ql
* use infinity symbols in weapon bar and hud
* bug fix for /follow [killer|victim] and hover not working if player was gibbed or no longer in view
* freezetag fixes for new ql update (environment gib, scaling ice shader, etc.)
* fx script for thawing (used to be the same as gib)
* freezetag bug fix: don't pass ice shader/powerup to missiles
* cg_drawFragMessageTeamTokens, cg_drawFragMessageFreezeTeamTokens, cg_drawFragMessageFreezeTokens
* cg_teamKillWarning print "watch your fire!" for team kills
* r_teleporterFlash [0: draw black screen, 1: draw white screen, 2: wait to draw until in new view]
* main menu options to open wolfcam and quake live data directories
* can record demo while playing demo
* cg_cameraQue to allow camera to play even without /playcamera command [1: don't play commands associated with camera points, 2: play camerapoint commands], can be in first person while playing camera and can hop in and out with /freecam
* if ql paks not installed don't exit with cryptic message about q3config.cfg not being found
* camera: acceleration option see README
* camera: curve type added see README
* cg_cameraAddUsePreviousValues duplicates settings (camera type, etc.) of last added camera point when adding a new one
* camera: higher precision. No longer have to sync with demo snapshots (25ms), can add camera points at anytime (up to one millionth of a second).
* +chat and cg_chatHistoryLength like ql
* /addchatline
* +mouseseek (bound by default to SHIFT) You can fast forward and rewind by moving mouse.
* cg_mouseSeekScale how quickly/slowly you change time
* cg_mouseSeekPollInterval how often to check for mouse movement and then issue rewind/fastforward call.
* bug fix for drawing entity numbers
* framebuffer object support. r_useFbo r_fboStencil r_visibleWindowWidth r_visibleWindowHeight
* bug fix for disabled announcements when +info used
* cg_qlFontScaling [1: like ql, use alternate font when text becomes small, 2: always use 24 point ql font (old behavior)]
* clan tag support for tokens (frag message, etc) see README file
* fix/hack for same player being in first and second place in the scorebox
* cg_drawStatus works like quakelive
* fx: bug fix for 'ineyes' being set to true even if using freecam
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20438788/wolfcamql-8.0.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.1 2011-06-22
* bug fix: velocity always being set to 0 in freecam
* bug fix: seeking early in demo with any value could cause it to skip to end of demo
* main menu options for opening quakelive and wolfcam data directories check for custom fs_quakelivedir and fs_homepath
* fx: 'ineyes' also checks for third person rendering
* bug fix: crash if card doesn't support framebuffer objects
* in_checkForStolenMouseFocus will print a message to the console if an external application steals mouse focus
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20468726/wolfcamql-8.1.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.2 2011-06-29
* don't draw infinite ammo icon for gauntlet
* /follow crosshair uses specified crosshair color
* added sv_skillrating cvar for huds
* cg_cameraDefaultOriginType [ curve, spline, interp, jump ]
* can add camera points in between existing ones, also if there's one at the current time /addcamerapoint will edit that point with current settings
* cg_inheritPowerupShader for multiple powerups (ex: quad and medkit) do/don't apply the first powerup custom shader to the second
* camera bug fix: don't briefly switch to demo taker's pov at beginning and end of camera playback
* camera bug fix: end at final camera point
* cg_cameraUpdateFreeCam transfers origin and angles to freecam state
* pause roq playback if cl_freezeDemo == 1 (paused)
* bug fix for incorrect texture drawn with bloom enabled
* macosx binary doesn't require lib vorbis*/ogg to be installed
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20494636/wolfcamql-8.2.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.3 2011-07-26
* cg_quadKillCounter (same as quakelive)
* renamed cl_enableAtCommands to cg_enableAtCommands
* /at command with higher than millisecond precision
* q3 bug fix for skies without cloud shaders which can lead to texture corruption (ex: toxicity map)
* cg_screenDamageAlpha_Self
(note: was controlled previously by cg_screenDamageAlpha, so if you had screen damage enabled you would have black marks on the screen for self damage and with bloom turned on it would look like bloom was briefly being disabled)
* cl_freezeDemoPauseVideoRecording to pause recording of video/screenshots while paused
* r_fboAntiAlias
* bug fix for shotgun impact explosion shader appearing black
* colorize rail impacts the same way as quakelive (use color1 and not color2)
* support for new tdm scoreboard
* r_darknessThreshold control the brightness of map shadows and dark areas without changing too much the color and brightness levels of the lit portions
* bug fix for sinking models/sprites falling through the map
* /cvarinterp /clearcvarinterp to gradualy change the value of a cvar
ex: /cvarinterp s_volume 0 0.7 6.0
raises s_volume from 0 to 0.7 in 6 seconds
* cg_fadeColor, cg_fadeAlpha for screen fading in/out
* cg_fadeStyle (0: fade before drawing hud, 1: fade after drawing hud)
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20604618/wolfcamql-8.3.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
8.4 2011-09-09
* /clientoverride accepts 'us' and 'mates'
* com_hunkmegs default now 128
* cg_forcemodel works with team games, also added an option 2: ignore team skin
* cg_forcePovModel will use 'model' settings for 1st person pov
* cg_whShader if you want to use something other than 'powerups/quad'
* cg_playerShader to add a non wall hacked shader (can be used in combination w
ith cg_whShader to make it easier to see when someone becomes visible)
* cg_wideScreen 0: original code 1: don't adjust values to 4/3 aspect ratio
2: adjust both y and x values based on only the x ratio (a bit of a hack to all
ow already created configs)
This isn't perfect as there are still some hard coded values assuming 4/3 asp
ect within the source code, but it should work well for movie configs to preven
t stretching of the crosshair and text.
* support for q3mme fx 'shaderlist'
* cg_freecam_unlockPitch
* r_anaglyphMode fixed
* r_anaglyph2d to allow or prevent splitting colors for the hud portion
* cg_drawSelf similar to cg_drawFriend and cg_drawFoe. It draws a white triang
le over the demo taker. Usefull if you use /follow
* move ammo counter a bit to the right for cg_weaponBar 2
* cg_hudRedTeamColor cg_hudBlueTeamColor cg_hudNoTeamColor for use with hud element CG_TEAM_COLOR, default for no team color (ffa, duel) matches quakelive's slightly orange color
* renamed cg_[red|blue]TeamColor to cg_weapon[Red|Blue|No]TeamColor and update documentation with respect to them. They are used with cg_[enemy|team]RailColor[1|2]Team settings.
* ioquake3 bug fixes (see track-svn.txt)
some notable ones: grappling hook not loading trail shader, don't grab mouse until UI loads
* fix portal orientations
* bug fix: don't play /follow hit sounds if cg_hitBeep == 0 or if it's the same view as the demo taker (also team hit sounds)
* bug fix: only play teamhit sound if cg_hitbeep >= 1
* clan tag in scorebox and fix for clan name in new tdm scoreboard
* bug fix: register all weapons in clan arena to prevent seeing null textures for projectiles and impact marks, and always register grapple
* support for EV_INVUL_IMPACT
* better delagging for lan and low ping games
* bug fix: orientation fix for ads and r_singleshader
* bug fix: no longer stretching ads (ex: bridge dm6)
* bug fix: transparency of some ads (ex: skyward)
* bug fix: tdm scoreboard has country flag in second column
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20761332/wolfcamql-8.4.zip (windows, linux, and macosx x86 binaries)
esdf also has a mirror at http://vmaric.com/misc/wolfcam/ if you have problems with filefront
8.5 2011-10-30
* can use +zoom in freecam
* cg_wideScreen 3 to only adjust crosshair
* cg_hudForceRedTeamClanTag and cg_hudForceBlueTeamClanTag
* /changeconfigstring and /cconfigstrings (see readme)
* cg_drawFPS (2: higher precision and use given time in cgame not real time -- for debugging, 3: use current frame value not average of last four)
* eliminated mme_workMegs, will allocate memory based on video settings
* removed limit of 32 for mme_blurFrames and mme_blurOverlap
* fx: improved compatability with q3mme, eliminated some timescale and fps dependencies, cg_fxScriptMinEmitter, cg_fxScriptMinDistance, cg_fxScriptMinInterval (see readme)
* fx bug: trig functions where using radians instead of degrees. If you have a script where you like the current behavior you can change:
cos(someValue) to cos(someValue * 180.0 / PI) and it will continue working the same way.
* fx: t? and v? expanded up to 9
* fx: some debugging options (see readme)
* cg_autoWriteConfig (0: don't automatically write q3config.cfg when a cvar changes (can be useful for testing configs), 1: always write q3config.cfg when a cvar changes, 2: (default) don't write q3config.cfg if a cvar is changed from fx scripting code or with /cvarinterp to prevent hard disk thrashing)
* map autoxec: maps/campgrounds.cfg, maps/lostworld.cfg, etc...
* fx: impact scripts have the reflected impact velocity in 'velocity', see scripts/dirtest.fx (red stuff is reflected velocity, blue is 'dir' or face plane)
* proximity mines leave explosion marks on walls and not just floors
* cg_adShaderOverride when set to 1 you can use cg_adShader[num] to replace the ad. It needs to be the name of a shader:
ex: create a file name scripts/mycustomads.shader with the following:
myad1 {
map somePic.jpg
Then 'set cg_adShader3 myad1' will replace the 3rd map ad with your custom pic.
You can use /devamp somemap and then /gotoad [ad number] to find how they are numbered.
* fx bug: common impactFlesh wasn't being called by machine gun hits
* fx bug: 'dir' for lg impact was using the wrong vector
* don't spam console when recording video
* only use r_visibleWindow[Width|Height] if r_useFbo 1
* /fragforward can be used with /follow victim
esdf also has a mirror at http://vmaric.com/misc/wolfcam/ if you have problems with filefront
newer version is available here:
Edited by brugal at 20:30 CDT, 16 May 2012 - 128810 Hits