i switched from abyssus to kinzu cuz i've realized that i'm used to the kinzu hardware acceleration.
played like for more than 1 year with the kinzu and i'm simply not as good with the abyssus, and i cba to wait 8 months to get 100% used to the mouse. also, i lost to someone that i beat normally, with the abyssus, motivated me to switch back to the kinzu and own again.
ive been quite curious to the amount of accel in the kinzu's sensor, is there any comparable cl_mouseaccel value that you could come up with that would be "similar" to the amount it has? (with a diff mouse ofc).
if it feels like .5 @ say 450 dpi i wont bother, but if it's around .1-.3 i think i would actually be fine with it
well i always wanted to try one but ... from the reviews either it says the mouse is really good or skips and sucks balls
..and i dont want to really spend money on another gamble like i did on the abyssus wich jitters as fuck and the only pad i got it to work was the fnatic qck
yea 60cm is quite low even with some hw accel. google says that the kinzu's malfunction speed is similar to that of the wmo, 1.5 m/s. so theoretically if you play with a wmo and use low-mid accel it's basically the same mouse =o
yeah im playing with ~80 from the begining tho. never did a flick rail obv =)))
but otherwise its pretty good. now experimenting with ~40-50 it feels like lightspeed fast =))
but kinzu is my worst mouse up to date. i had an mx310 for 3 years than two diamondback for 1.5 years both. lowsens was just so much better on these.