What do you think your Quakelive ELO rating should be to reflect your true current strength?
this is a tricky question. the QLRanks system hasn't really fully equalized yet. are you asking what my relative ELO ought to be in my assessment now, or what it ought to be "objectively," once things are fully fleshed out? I wouldn't be able to answer the later meaningfully, though, as I'm not really sure how the ratings work or how they'll pan out in the long run.
edit: either way, though, I really don't feel that the system is, uh, mature enough for any of these bits of data to have an overly relevant meaning.
let me give you all an example of how I feel about the overall QLRanks thing. I'm really bored and given to making lists, so I just made some cursory personal assessment of how the current top 100 rankings feel in my mind, as someone experienced in QL duel and familiar with the scene, though my knowledge is by no means perfect (and you can see I have some quirky, weird little perceptions about various things which may not be remotely accurate):
it's basically a continuum. a lot of the names I'm less familiar with than I should be if making a legitimate analysis, so I apologize if anyone is offended or I'm way off on what your actual level is, but this is to give a general impression for why the whole thing may be inaccurate or flawed from the perspective of a long-time player and spectator. what do you folks think?
even if the list is wildly inaccurate, and here and there it may be, it gives a general impression for what the thought process might be to someone familiar with the game, and so some form of conclusion can be reached, at least, namely that, at least right now, these ratings really do not reflect overly much. k1llsen and strenx are way up at the top where they ought to be, but a lot of people up there have no business being. this will surely right itself in time, but it all depends upon activity and such, and I think right now as a real objective "score" for skill levels, there's not much tangible meaning behind it.
thing is that currently there are a lot of one-map-wonders who on their respective map are easily top-tier, however not even mid on others. sirax was saying he would filter that out - don't know how exactly that's gonna work but that would obviously make the ratings more realistic in terms of how players would do against each other in a competition where you cant just f.e. play t4 over and over again :p
yeah well I told you I'm a little bit misinformed about some of the lesser known players. like, I've seen you and x1ks's names in match results and stuff, and you both seem to be decent players, but I'm not in the Euro scene so I can't say just exactly how good you are. I tried my best. :D
more to your particular point, I'm aware that guys like jaysson are really good on ztn, for example, but not so much on the other maps. I remember watching him beat k1llsen on ztn in some ZOTAC or something. I don't think that even a quarter of the guys in the top 50 or so now are even real one-map wonders, though. they're just playing low-skill players and stuff and it's not really a reflection of anything. also, at one point shortly after QLRanks began, I seem to remember gLm1ra being ranked #17 for some time, and all of his matches were dm17 games, so there's that...
I've seen you and x1ks's names in match results and stuff, and you both seem to be decent players, but I'm not in the Euro scene so I can't say just exactly how good you are. I tried my best. :D
yes, I saw those games, when he played as Phoenix. I was not impressed, though. czm was playing badly and he mostly +backed for 15 minutes. this doesn't mean anything. the skill he's been showing in only matches of late is similar to that of SombrA.
SombrA himself was always a decent player on LANs, but then out of nowhere started beating Cypher online for no apparent reason. it just seems pretty unlikely.
got to sort out the idiots setting their country tags different so as to achieve the "#1 in country" status...
whally -> cyprus
and its not even that bad, theres others that are just dumb
kids and their egos these days, i tell ya
back in qw we didnt need an arbitrary achievement to justify the 1000's of hours played
but it seems like today people feel guilty about playing a lot and still sucking so they do what they can to remedy that... and it isn't gettng better at the game.
the problem is people are specifically newb hunting to boost their ELO now ;)
ppl like venom wait around in server browser for someone with lower ELO to start dueling so they can go slum and score some easy ELO.. then when outlaw, tyryl, or someone good connects, its "gg gtg" and off to another gray TDM/CTF game for more ego boosting.
edit: average ELO victory/defeat tells the real story about QLranks :P
This reminds me of when I wanted to find a warmupmatch yesterday for zotac, Joined a skillmatched server with a guy named destiny who instaquit when I got in :D
Checked his record and it was 68-0 beating people in the 1000-1200 range.
A bit odd, but luckily most people are not like that.
I don't think ELO rating is actually very suitable for quakelive (or fps gaming in general).The ELO rating system was designed for chess.If you look at chess you notice that there are no variables such as ping,starting spawns,fps.Some players may feel that they should have a higher ELO than they do maybe due to a combination of these variables.
IMO,if it is possible,there should be some way of taking ping,fps etc into account when you beat someone.
ping and spawn locations could be very easily quantified, although having a system to keep track of spawn location would be very difficult.
it would be simple to have a variable preferred spawn (the furthest away) assigned an arbitrary point value, say 5, and every spawn closer than that has a lower number. therefore at the end of a match if a player has a low "spawn score" then it would be clear they got spawn raped for most of the frags.
it made less and less sense as i typed it but im going to hit enter anyway
well it's kinda stupid when I out control the map while I have 160ms and still get beaten just because the opponent is some rail-shaftwhore with 30ms who never pulls out rockets or plasma.
I don't think ELO rating is actually very suitable for quakelive (or fps gaming in general).The ELO rating system was designed for chess.If you look at chess you notice that there are no variables such as ping,starting spawns,fps.Some players may feel that they should have a higher ELO than they do maybe due to a combination of these variables.
IMO,if it is possible,there should be some way of taking ping,fps etc into account when you beat someone.