See, all Japan needs to do now, is create a humanoid robot, put the Vocaloid software into the bot, and use a speaker to project the sound out of its mouth. Taylor Swift was an early prototype, as anyone can tell. As soon as Japan figures it out, they'll take over the world of music, creating a level of perfection impossible with humans, and at that point, there will be no human performers left. Yep, Japan will create a virtual monopoly in the entertainment world.
Honestly, who wants to see Britney Spears getting fat and sloppy on stage, when they could have super-babe anime chick singing perfectly no matter how old she gets? People don't care if it's real... it's all illusion anyway, and they'll get as close to a robot as they will a real singer. Plus, they experience no guilt for fantasizing about her boobies. Then again, a robot's boobs are probably as real as Britney Spears'.
Yes, those crazy Japs... crazy, but brilliant.
See, all Japan needs to do now, is create a humanoid robot, put the Vocaloid software into the bot, and use a speaker to project the sound out of its mouth. Taylor Swift was an early prototype, as anyone can tell. As soon as Japan figures it out, they'll take over the world of music, creating a level of perfection impossible with humans, and at that point, there will be no human performers left. Yep, Japan will create a virtual monopoly in the entertainment world.
Honestly, who wants to see Britney Spears getting fat and sloppy on stage, when they could have super-babe anime chick singing perfectly no matter how old she gets? People don't care if it's real... it's all illusion anyway, and they'll get as close to a robot as they will a real singer. Plus, they experience no guilt for fantasizing about her boobies. Then again, a robot's boobs are probably as real as Britney Spears'.
Yes, those crazy Japs... crazy, but brilliant.
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