Season Ending. Well just a quick post to say BIG thanks to all those teams that participated. So to sum it up....
Division one
After an impressive run this season they were proud owners of the top spot.
Only loosing to 4k, drawn with EK and aCt put up a good fight to earn their place.
Loosing to both 4K and doubiwap (dft loss) added with two draws was only enough for bronze.
Division two
2K taking a few defaults, but.. took down play (2-0) a draw with onfire, justifying the gold.
Drawing with 2K ,play and brulee, all contenders for the top 3 spots with no walk overs, deserves the silver.
Lost one game 2-0 and two 1-1 games these guys really did deserve the bronze and came close to silver.
Division three
Drawing with the main contenders they manage to secure the gold via net and nothing more.
Loosing gold by only ktd, these guys performed well, only loosing 3 maps all season, to take the silver.
Kept it really close and the pressure up for both zA and eC who both drew 1-1. the draw with usb will land them the bronze.
Division four
Taking the top spot without loosing a map, a well deserved gold
Only loosing 3 maps all season gave them the 2nd spot keeping the pressure on for both tuned and HoQ.
Drawing with Dtr who only lost to HoQ, the draw vs ashlen and pigs, landing them the bronze
Division five
Clear victors without loosing a map all season and claim there Gold position with pride.
Loosing to only knirt and Sas, these guys really did fight for the silver.
Lost by net only (300 frags). but a noshow took the silver out of reach.
Big thanks to
lvl^ and all our streamers at
HoQtv for some wonderful coverage throughout this season. I want to thank all my admins who helped out this season, especially
Drayan and
premon who really took a lot of weight of my shoulders, hope they will stick with us for next season. So please guys, show them your appreciation and give them a big thanks. Good Games, well played to all, signing out!
"Quake is my Football" williebobc
I hope there will be another season for eyecandy and that it will be atleast as much fun as the past season.
Congrats to za for the division win and GGWP everyone!