Event: DHW'11

That means that

The tournament was ran by ZOTAC and with some interesting and perhaps upset matches we had our two first invites. strenx finished first with 3 straight maps vs

Since strenx already was invited an invite opened up for the players playing the semifinal and quarterfinals. We decided that

I know more teams did sign up for the TDM. If you sent an e-mail to esport [at] dreamhack.se but wasn't on this list come and talk to blaze in

See attached files for rules. Some changes was made.
Links: Dreamhack TDM, DreamHack Duel, ZOTAC #107 Brackets -

- Attached Misc File: 84718-Duel_rules_DHW2011_rev3.pdf (31 Oct 2011, 40KB, 341 downloads)
- Attached Misc File: 84719-TDM_Rules_DHW2011_rev3.pdf (31 Oct 2011, 39KB, 147 downloads)
Edited by blaze at 01:58 CDT, 4 November 2011 - 56290 Hits