Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
The solution though, is simple: team-games. In something like TDM, you have exact opposite of individuality. And that's what it takes to be part of the mainstream. A game like SC works, because even though individuals are playing, it creates the illusion that it is actually a team-game.
And just because team-games are what we need for Qx to be business-successful, it doesn't mean we have to sacrifice duel. This isn't the Bible. One of the great aspects of Quake, in its many incarnations, is that we can choose many different gametypes.
Keep duel, but possibly make TDM (or some other kind of team-game), the main attraction. That way, we have a mainstream appeal, and we can retain our individuality.
2234 Hits
It doesn't necessarily have to be team games, forming part of a duel or ffa clan also is good initiative. But yeah, I think TDM and CTF should be the main attractions, once they implement an anticheat ffs.
But really there are about 20 other important things that also need changing, otherwise new players will still say WTF and never come back.