Event: QCon 2002
Movie description for "QuakeCon 2002 - The Highlights" (author - ArtireZ). The movie contains the best frags from the Q3 1on1 tournament at QuakeCon 2002, with the top players LeXeR, fatal1ty, ZeRo4 and cha0ticz. It's 3:52 long and weights about 90 MB. Be sure to turn up the volume, cause it's all nicely in sync with the music (Run'D'MC).
- Movie File (QuakeCon 2002 - The Highlights movie) 90MB
- Cyberfight.org (2095 clicks)
- Google Video (25 clicks)
- own-age.com (242 clicks)
- PlanetQuake3.net (1336 clicks)
Edited by d1monn at 01:21, 25th Aug 2002 - 37787 Hits
very nice synch with music & action, but it looks ugly (sarge default skin, way too bright, newb HUD and so)