Event: DHW'11

With this being said, the demos are now on the web! All demos (well, most...), both TDM and Duel can be found
on Trance's FTP.
An alternative mirror will be added soon enough!
Update: During the event when the LAN server broke down (hardware failure), we managed to get our server-guy together with id Software to debug the Swedish Quake Live servers and they sorted out the lag issues that have been occurring on the servers.
Update2: We now have an alternative (French) host with demos sorted. Demos links were added on the DHW11 coverage post for all matches.
Update3: Dreamhack.se host live (with .rar)
Links: trance.gg, free.fr (all sorted), dreamhack.se
Edited by blaze at 09:54 CST, 2 December 2011 - 42789 Hits