36840 Hits
i personally see it as somewhat of a positive that noobs get fucked hard
too many cry babies these days. might not be good for business but fuck id anyway
They are redneck teabaggers who believe in de-regulation... and think the community should regulate themselves. THEY JUST DON"T WANT TO DO THEIR JOB>
how excactly is having fun while playing wasting time?
u mean u were the life of it by getting raped every day
These are not all of them but these guys are the life of ctf. definitely not u.
But Coolout thinks every game is a 10-0/8-0 game
if noobs worry about slummers and winning, they should man up
q3ctf autobalance
peoples behaviiour and it has always been around
So, just let me see if i get this straight.
You have the noobs in the middle playing (t3 or so) way down (to t2 / t1?), making all this bloody crying on their own.
So we slap in a new rule system to prevent /everybody/ from being able to play one down. including the very thinly populated upper ranks (t4/5), who seem to be much less prone to playing down?
WAT..wait.. WAT? i'm grabbing some new games off steam to try.
wtf? where are the maps? stop ****ing with useless bs like this and do something good for this game for a change.
garbage update.
stupid newbs always posting uselessness like they know what the **** is going on. gtfo
Welp, so much for tdm. : / - I've got two ctf's right now that I ping under 80 to. And the one I just played in in NY, I went 38-0 on. :/
Doesn't feel too much different to me, other than the lack of viewable games at a decent ping.
I feel like im locked away in the land of misfit players or something. are we being punished?
im done
this is what i see now after the skillrating changes
granted it is 430am, but there have always been at least 7-15 games going on at this time
if i come into a server and start mowing people down, it isnt something personal. It took me a long time to get pretty good at this game, and you arent going to make me feel bad because you cant hang.
If he is getting "slaughtered every game" then he needs to get better, or accept the fact that other people are much better than him.
Quit accommodating noobz - quit nerfing weapons, quit adding space maps, and focus on adding good content or doing a big update that will actually make people want to play.
No more than two servers of ctf that I can join on a saturday night. And one's in dallas, where I get too high ping.
Skill matching is a myth id. You will never perfect it and people will always complain regardless. I think it's more important to have more games than have every game try and be as even as possible. Fewer and fewer people will play when they sit around not playing.... seems obvious to me.
Seems to me they just ought to remove the tiers entirely
The Duel Bronze Final (bo5) between Avekkk and K1llsen is up next LIVE @
Noone believes you didn't have enough servers to play.
but its fact in every t3 match there is a couple t4 alts.... meaning brand new accounts leading the server in score destined for t4.
If you don't have tiers, there is no reason to create alt accounts in order to beat on noobs.
the game is dying even in the last couple months ray.
They lied, simply put and should remove skillmatching and tiers immediately.-raythenoob
i see lots of premium servers
Your not a competitive gamer lorfa.
I wish you would just go back to q3 since thats what your goal is anyways.
a better system won't come from that....just everybody who is not t4 will quit the game and the game will go offline. your just handing over the game to the tier slummers who think newbs are not worthy to play quake.
maybe thats really what your after... almost the same things as these vets who want to go back to q3
but your even worse cause you just don't want any quake at all. i see the light now
your just here out of spite cause your not an id forum mod and revenge for you would be the death of quake
I guess these guys are just as right about you as you are of them.. its ironic. just another computer nerd who was never involved in athletic sports
well you'll get your wish. and sorry no i'm done posting here about this game.
when raythenoob says this is a deathmatch game and shouldn't have skill matching
oh god. i can see why people get frustrated talking to you. The moment someone goes against anything you say you start attacking them. Believe what you want lol
"Believe me, sometimes i do get a double take when i read his posts because i generally always agree with him."