Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vCLs30ihyQ
Demos: http://www.mediafire.com/?sdrhy9zu53x0hgu
Youtube video description, copied and pasted:
So in video #14 (an FFA on dm13) some player "dahoood" accuses me of using an aimbot (at 3m49s) (oh noes! 30% lg!!! hacker!)
link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHLQvobHz2g&t=3m49
Well he wasn't very good. In fact at the end of the 7 minute game, he'd only managed to scrape 8 frags together. On his QL profile page, his lg is 24% acc with 8% use. I believe in that game he hit less than 20% lg. So I played another FFA with him on dm13 a couple days later, and WOW did his game ever improve! Suddenly he was hitting 42% lg and had an amazing sense of where players would be. This time I BARELY beat him (1 frag difference, which I barely secured in the last few seconds). Quite an improvement! I watched the demo in wolfcam, getting things from his perspective whenever I could, and he was obviously wallhacking (and botting too I think, but whatever, that's harder to prove when they smooth things out). Well I've submitted demos to id before when people were using obvious wallhacks, and they don't do anything about it when the game is your POV, because they can't watch the player in question the whole time. They only get small glimpses, when their location is in your demo stream.
Fast forward to today. I go to play some FFA, and guess who's in the server! Dahoood! I immediately went spec and recorded him playing 4 or 5 maps. This video is all from games played on 12/4/2011, all from dahood's POV, played back in wolfcam with cg_wh set to 1 so you can see enemies through walls. I don't have the games in their entirety, because that would be a very long video. I just did some quick edits to show some of the more obvious moments. What you WON'T see in this video is the rest of the story (which you'll get if you watch the demos). Quake can be a very spammy game. In all 5 demos, not ONCE does dahoood spam anything. Not a single grenade, rocket, pg, nothing. Every single shot he ever takes is either at a visible enemy, or one that's just coming around a corner. That alone seems very revealing to me. Another thing I think is quite strange is he VERY rarely jumps, and he doesn't do a single strafe or circle jump in all of the maps he played. He doesn't really strafe or dodge either, it's quite strange to watch.
If you browse his games on his QL page
link: http://www.quakelive.com/#!profile/matches/Dahoood
you'll see that his average lg is less than 20%. Yet look at the games from 11/30/2011. He's getting between 70 and 95% lg accuracy. And it's not cause he uses it just once on some dude on a jump pad. Check this game out on dm13:
95% lg acc, with 8 kills. There's another one on t9 where he got 87% lg with 16 total lg kills.
Anyway, it's hilarious that he accused me of hacking, when the guy is a super obvious aimbot and wallhacker.
Here's the QL demos that were used to create this youtube video:
id software, if you're listening, please ban this dude by IP.
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