Esports united.nichtsnutz released the highly anticipated Counter-Strike movie "Status: Owned! 2 With a Vengeance" today. The movie features some nice frags by various esu pla yers, one slam dunk by Vince Carter and a song by one of these hip bands that all sound the same. Have fun!
(Just in case you weren't one of the 150000 people who downloaded part one: It can still be downloaded from this location)
(Just in case you weren't one of the 150000 people who downloaded part one: It can still be downloaded from this location)
- Movie File ( 69MB
- BadCT (869 clicks)
- ClanBase (517 clicks)
- esu/gamigostrike (317 clicks)
Edited by buq. at 21:44, 27th Aug 2002 - 26086 Hits