Event: DHW'11
Fade went to DreamHack Winter 2011 with a few different things in mind. He of course wanted to play for a bit but also he wanted to make a documentary about DreamHack. As he wrote in this thread about a week before the event started he will be doing interviews with all the involved with Quake Live at DreamHack: players, streamers, staff and fans. But as he said himself: "I want to show you guys who are not at LAN or have ever been to one, whats it's like there and what goes on at theses events."
Last night he released a trailer! Make sure to check it out and also catch the real deal when it's out in January 2012.
Links: Fades ESR-thread, Youtube Trailer
Edited by xou at 03:45 CST, 14 December 2011 - 21902 Hits