Hey guys,

I was a reader of your forum for years but i have a question and i wanted to ask it now. So i became a member.

I've got two questions.

First one is the title;


Link for Samsung 997MB :

Which one is smoother?

AND Can someone explain me RESPONSE TIME DIFFERENCE between new LCD's and my CRT?

Second problem is;

I bought a 997MB for 6€. Its clean and working well.

There are some refresh rate options for this monitor. I couldn't decide which one to choose.

640x480 - 160 HZ
800x600 - max. 147 HZ (overclock w/ PowerStrip) 140 normal
1024x768 - max 118 hz (overclock w/ PowerStrip) 100 normal

I play Quake, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead and Adrenaline Gamer(Half -Life)

160 hz is more smoother than 120 in CS. ( with developer 1 and fps_max 161)

BUT I walk so slow and jump slow too. Its like slow-motion.

I would like to use 1024x768,

BUT It is a bit choppy coz 118 hz or 100

So, what do you recommend me to use?

Thanks, daktari.