I always liked q2, q3, qw and am currently playing QL much. I've always been very noob because I've always played by simply playing until the day when I watched the dueling demos of Thresh vs Immortal in q2. I loved it and was fascinated! Then I watched several demos of Damiah (the best!), Purri, Provi, Scooby, DaHanG, Polosaty, Blue, MasterT, all excellent q2 players. And we decided to look for q3 dueling demos and to my surprise I found a lot too! I loved watching Cooller, Cypher, Jibo, Avek, Toxic, Fatal1ty, Lexer, Zero4, czm, etc..
I, like every noob, I wanted to emulate them all about ignoring the reality of how things work. I tried their crazy rails, insane LG and amazing rockets, but it was useless. I even got many crazy rails, but over time I realized they were all just reflexes and luck. So how to HAVE the POWER to use it whenever I wanted? That's when I realized I was using a poor mouse, sensitivity very high and only wore simple wrist movements (moving up to 3cm!), a tiny mousemat and without any strategy game!
I realized this when I watched videos of pro players playing in lans, in their comfortable and spacious tables, and cool mices with large Mousemats, all to the best of their movements. Now I understood why the numbers that I saw in their CFGs.
To have good aim, you must have a low sensitivity, satisfactory physical space to perform your moves and a good 400 DPI mouse. This is the very basics of basics, if you want to be a decent player.
Now my question to you all is to reflect:
Who takes more advantage, a low sens player or a high sens player?
I'll take Cypher as my first example of low-sens player. Everyone knows that he is the greatest champion and most balanced Q3/QL player. your combat skills are the best and the most smarters. But after observing a lot, I realized he is a low-sens player. He does 27cm in cm/360 degree, uses 4.3 sens, pitch/yaw 0018, accel 0.1 and today in QL. Fast enough for yours rockets and slow enough for yours rail and LG. But it was not just because of your CFG I discovered this, but I looked at their games.
But in this ESWC q3 2008, he had Sens 5, accel 0.1, pitch/yaw 0.018, FOV 90, m_filter 1 and predictitems 1.
Although the Sens 5, I believe he has any alias that diminishes their sens during games, because it's obvious he has a sens lower than that of Rapha. Watch the demo below:
Cypher(POV) vs K1llsen 2008 ESWC Finals Game 1B (grand final in "eswc 2008 q3 final")
1-(3:32) Cypher enters in the Tele room and still looking up and remains so, even without the risk of being hit or hitting K1llsen.
2-(3:34) Cypher without down xhair even a little, get out, takes a shot of rail and shoot rockets at the RA place and return. In the Tele room, only corrects xhair slowly in the center before going to teleport. The moment he leaves the Tele, he changes to LG.
3-(3:36) Cypher already fires your LG and makes only strafe dodges, leaving his xhair almost static in the center pointing at RA. And then shifts to RL to at least make splashes dmg in K1llsen.
4-(3:40) He was shot by K1llsen's rail when k1llsen leap to GL, but Cypher shoots Rail also and misses. Then he looks sharply to his right, leaps up to PG until fetch the 50hp bubble.
Okay, now let's see an example of a Rapha's game. I chose Rapha because he has a very different style of play of others players like Cypher,Cooller and Strenx (this even makes the 57cm in cm/360 without any accel!), which use a much lower sensitivity than him.Rapha is known for using very high sens, accel and fov, since q3. He does "only" 21cm in cm/360 degree. The smallest of all the pro players. He is very intelligent, tactical and search the fight only when it is the best positioned and equipped as possible. It is the BEST QL's Pro player todays, imo.
In ESWC q3 2008, he had Sens 4, accel 0.5, pitch/yaw 0.022, FOV 110, m_filter 0 e predictitems 0(sens 5/accel 0.48/fov 110, in QL).
Rapha(POV) vs Spartie 2008 ESWC MoA Finals 3B (in eswc masters of athens q3 finals)
1-(0:04) Rapha jumps in SG's jumpad to get a 25hp bubble, back and falls in MH. Note that Rapha moves your aim so well and smooth, without giving big swept with mouse, as if using a both high sensitivity.
2-(0:10) When he falls in MH, Spartie corners him closely using rockets while Rapha tries to dodge and use the LG. Both die, but it was funny to see Rapha early in the fight use flicks shots with LG in Spartie and stay static! Rapha Only then corrects himself and begins to use strafe aim to kill Spartie with more efficiency.
3-(0:16) At spawn on the deck outside (near the entrance to LG), Rapha run to pick up RL while shooting with MG using strafe aim without moves your xhair, in Spartie who was spawnded in below (near the entrance room to LG) and is running to MH room to catch the LG and RL fallen in the last fight.
4-(0:20) Rapha fires rockets at the entrance of MH thinking Spartie back on the floor, but is surprised when Spartie appears very rapidly running over the catwalk (maybe he did rocket jump of the MH ...) and killing Rapha with LG. Rapha do bad dodges, doing strafe to the right when the shaft was going to the right and vice versa. That is, he followed the movements along the shaft, taking much dmg. Before he died, Rapha barely used strafe aim with RL. He just use the mouse to try to aim and shoot!
5-(0:24) Rapha spawned in LG, rises to take the RL on the edge of the platform that he left when die earlier, goes to get the YA, and back up and sit on the MH again. ote that Rapha moves your aim so well and smooth, like you needed to use only wrist movements. So it's obvious that it uses a fairly high sensitivity. More higher than that of Cypher, for example.
So I might conclude that pro players use low sensitivity, making large movements with the mouse and very fast with their forearms (as big sweeping or give kicks!). When you think you saw a flick shot or even a lucky shot, in fact the pro player made a large move, smooth and precise. Now I understand why pro players use Mousemats so large (I think 40x40cm, perhaps), it is because they need more space to do their moves!
About the FOV, the duelists use low values like 90, 95(in q3, default cg_fov is 90. In QL is 100) because is better to visualization. Fov 90 you see the enemy model bigger than with 100 or 110 e so you will see more easily to hit him. Are styles of "aim players".
Most use very nice 400 DPI mouses and even 800 DPI (like Strenx). It is not advisable to use more than 800 DPI because their movements are less controllable and more mistakes will appear. 800 DPI is more than enough to quake or any other game of the same level.
I believe than Pro players use sensitivity in levels differents to yours weapons: Rail= a mais low; LG= median sens; Rocket e other weapons= highest and default to use.
Obs.: I heard than q3 was better to use the faster movements even with rail or LG, but do not know why.Perhaps because hitboxes of being larger, weapons being more stronger or the speedjumps being slower? But I think it's more because the q3 system is different from the QL. Use the mouse to do the same cm/360 degree test without any accel for you set your sensitivity in q3 not give the same result in QL, because I think the QL values are always smaller. That is, I think that pro players use different about values in two games but in practice is the same thing. Does anyone know anything about it better than me?
Rapha don't abuse their "insane aim skills" with help of fov and sens low, because he knows than has amazing reflexes and satisfactory aim, and that is enough for him. So it's more advantageous to have your field of vision expanded and this is a good advantage over their opponents. Rapha, with his great natural talent + incredible reflections + big fov and sens + great strategies = The most dangerous player at present. Obviously he is not even half of its evolution and it's almost scary to imagine, if he still wants to improve more.
Rapha uses values above the standard, your aim is sometimes a bit poorly, but is still one of the greatest champions of QL today. He is an unknown.
-For the noobs(like me): Don't copy CFGs of pro players or try to imitate them without even having the basic knowledge on sensitivity and gameplay. Try to adapt and use proportional CFGs to their physical conditions(hardware, mouse, mousemat, physical space on their desks, etc.). Not wanting to have Strenx's sens without have a mousemat to 40x40cm, for example. And so on.
This is it! I'm far from the truth? Please comment, guys!
Edited by xou at 11:10 CST, 4 January 2011 - 27930 Hits