There already is a successful NA pickup channel. The difference between that one and this new one is that the new one was started by people who are banned from quakelive and/or the other pickup channel, so rather than becoming legit they've decided to use the illegal QL offline server/client to make a channel. It will probably get shut down very fast
Idiot artud/great/his other 6 banned names heading up the channel-definitely a joke, everyone who will play there who are not trolls are fools to do so, so they can be involuntarily marked as a reporter and have their sentences creatively plucked out of context and esr'd lol.
The Burn Notice show is a good show and the point where he talks about liars who "get off on the lie" fits those dudes perfect to a T. They find pleasure in being liars lol. Hey my name is dutra who for the first month or more on my name Artud i was hitting 65 rail nearly every game, then the last 2 weeks prior to being banned my rail went down to 35 lol, interesting indeed. Dude is such a full of shit motherf*cker.