Schedule: Passed
Esports Heaven is organizing another QL 4v4 TDM tournament, this time sponsored by Mad Catz Interactive and Tritton. Cup will be played over 3 Thursdays (2 rounds per day, full schedule below). Prize for the winner will include 250€ + 4 Tritton gaming headsets for the players of winning team.
Sign-ups will be open until 1 December at 13:00 CDT, when brackets will be made. After brackets are made, no changes will be allowed. Also make sure to read and understand rules, especially section about Clans and Players.
Update: Final game between colwn and nEu is played Monday 9 January 2011 on StermyTV.

Links: Brackets, Cup page, Rules -

Edited by PerpetualWar at 13:22 CST, 9 January 2012 - 52473 Hits