Because this whole thing needs to be put to bed.

Superjake was the guy who made up a story about getting injured on a job, getting over a million dollars from a lawsuit, and promising a number of NA duelers like Walter paid trips and hotels to Quakecon, as well as brand new PCs.

Of course, none of this happened, because he's a fucking idiot. He made up countless excuses for the PC's not being sent, including "I have to send them through a friends company", "they'll be there next week", to "you can pick them up at Quakecon". (Why would you need to save money shipping computers when you have over a million dollars?)

Then his "sister" dies, which is why he can't pay for anyones trip, or computer. Of course, no local news articles or anything about this.

Icel0re called him out on his bullshit in IRC, and so did I. This was the awesome, amazing personal messages I got. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I read them.

Session Start: Sat Oct 22 05:32:21 2011
Session Ident: superjake
[05:32] Session Ident: superjake (QuakeNet, Gillz`[51]) (
[05:32] <superjake> Water St?
[05:32] <superjake> (705) 877-3457
[05:32] <superjake> make sure to start checking your mailbox

Session Close: Sat Oct 22 22:05:58 2011

Session Start: Mon Oct 24 16:03:45 2011
Session Ident: superjake
[16:03] Session Ident: superjake (QuakeNet, Gillz`[51]) (
[16:03] <superjake> is that your place or your parents that you live in
[16:03] <superjake> ?
[16:03] <superjake> just need to know before I put it up for sale
09[16:54] <Gillz`[51]> how are you going to put it up for sale
[16:54] <superjake> google mindphasr
09[16:55] <Gillz`[51]> its a band
[16:55] <superjake> Chad Davis (born 1981) is an American hacker (or cracker) from Green Bay, Wisconsin, who operated under the alias of Mindphasr. He was the subject of one of the most high-profile prosecutions of cybercriminals of the late 20th century. Davis is a founding member of the globalHell syndicate of hackers, and is suspected to have authored or participated in the hacking of the websites of numerous businesses and government agencies.[1]
[16:55] <superjake> this is my rl best friend since we were 7 yrs old
[16:55] <superjake> =)
[16:56] <superjake> shouldn’t have ran your mouth bryan
09[16:56] <Gillz`[51]> doesn't really explain how you're going to sell a house
[16:56] <superjake> you asked for this
[16:56] <superjake> oh well Canada and america are the only two places in the world you can sell ASND buy a house online
[16:57] <superjake> not the first time it’s been done
09[16:57] <Gillz`[51]> you cant sell what isnt yours
[16:57] <superjake> now plz excuse me i’m hooking partie up with some music
[16:57] <superjake> you’re selling it
[16:57] <superjake> not me
[16:58] <superjake> well that’s what it’ll look like anyway
09[16:58] <Gillz`[51]> so when i get requests about people interested in the house
09[16:58] <Gillz`[51]> ill say "no thank you"
[16:58] <superjake> cool
[16:58] <superjake> have fun dealing with that
[16:58] <superjake> oh and I signed you up for every credi card I could find
[16:59] <superjake> gl with your credit
[16:59] <superjake> this is nothing compaired to what icel0re has installed for him
[16:59] <superjake> you should feel lucky
09[16:59] <Gillz`[51]> you need my SIN for that
[16:59] <superjake> LOL
[16:59] <superjake> I know that
[16:59] <superjake> you think your computer isn’t rooted?
[17:00] <superjake> how cute
[17:00] <superjake> you think your info is gaurded?
[17:00] <superjake> how cute
09[17:00] <Gillz`[51]> my SIN has never been typed on this machine
[17:00] <superjake> I know that
[17:00] <superjake> it’s in the canadian governments database
[17:01] <superjake> which is a nice open book for my friend
[17:01] <superjake> you just need to know where to look
[17:01] <superjake> :)
[17:01] <superjake> but back to helping spartie
[17:01] <superjake> have a nice day
[17:28] <superjake> maybe a simple apology for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong
[17:28] <superjake> and maybe going back to when we actually talked
[17:28] <superjake> would be nice
[17:28] <superjake> for icel0re it’s too late, he pushed me too far
[17:39] <superjake> ya know what
[17:39] <superjake> screw it
[17:39] <superjake> you were just jumping on the icel0re bandwagon
[17:39] <superjake> i’ll let it go
[18:35] <superjake> k bryan?
[18:35] <superjake> you leave alone and I’ll leave you alone
[18:35] <superjake> agreed?

fun notes: he had me added on Facebook, yet searched the phone book for "Brian".

He insists he got my SIN from rooting my PC, yet then claims he hacked the Canadian Government. The Canadian Government...

I think we can all just ignore him now and let this go.