I am please to anncounce once again, The HouseofQuake will be starting leagues this season featuring both CTF and TDM 4v4
New Rules have been created and simplified for this season, please take your time to read them carefully, Match schedule can also be found within the rules, with important information for both players and team captains.
Anyone needing help or more information for the leagues should contact Me (williebobc) or drayan, alternativly you can ask anyone in #HoQLeagues (IRC Quakenet) with @, should you not find us.
Please... no time wasters, HouseofQuake want to give those who really want to play and enjoy QuakeLive, the best possible experience within a league, at a competative level.
EDIT: TDM Signups end.. 13th/Feb/2012 and the CTF Ssignups end...16th /Feb/2012 3 days prior to the leagues 1st games. Map list is not 100% atm CTF is afaik (ask Drayan) TDM im still thinking about.
Links: HoQ - YouTube - Own3d - Twitter - FaceBook - TwitchTv - Live.QL
- Attached Thumbnail: 85606-hoq_logo.png (1 Feb 2012, 66KB, 147 downloads)
Edited by williebobc at 17:54 CST, 6 February 2012 - 64794 Hits