Hey guys! Two of my friends are setting up a LAN event as their final exam. I am part of the board and in charge of marketing since I am that guy with all the contacts. You all know him, the guy that never shuts up, is awkwardly nice to just about everyone and knows every soul in his visinity :) Enough horn-tooting, I need to do some work also! Registratings are not up yet but it's very close. If I get my will, there will be a good number of quakers attending. Tournaments are still an open question, I know the guy in charge of gaming related stuff so I am in a position to steer and geer some. We could make Quakelive the main game on the event instead of the usual LoL, Counter-strike or WoW!


As you can see, the site is still in swedish but we don't expect any international participants. But if there seem to be an interest from other countries, I will make sure the site is properly translated. Come talk to me if you are interested :)
